Top / Cal Courses, Announcements / EA105 / Film: 3-Iron, Module 03

3-Iron — Module 03 questions and scene summaries

Questions for this day

not yet written

Scenes 21-28 summaries for “3-iron”

(I have not written scene summaries for this segment — extra credit if someone submits a clean, usual document that matches how I have done the scene descriptions in the first two segments!)

THANK YOU PATRICK! (I have not confirmed this content but I have high confidence in this student.)

Scene 21 (1:05;33) (NOTE BY WALLACE: These time stamps are provided by the student and are very likely keyed to one of the online files I provide, not the commercial DVD

Min-gyu is practicing golf against a net and sees Sun-hwa return.

He interrogates her by asking where she has been and tells her that she must inform him every time she leaves. Sun-hwa remains silent, so he grabs her arm and asks again more fiercely. Sun-hwa thrashes her arm free.

Back at the prison, the guard checks on Tae-suk again and sees that the room is empty. He enters and see a blue shirt on the floor. 

Tae-suk follows behind the guard, mirroring his movement in his blind spot. However, the guard sees Tae-suk's shadow and realizes Tae-suk is behind him.

Tae-suk is seen smiling even when the guard catches him. The guard then beats Tae-suk with a baton.

The guard asks, "even if you can pull it off, what are you gonna do?"

Scene 22 (1:07;51)

In the next scene, we see Tae-suk's closed fist open up to reveal a blue eye drawn on his palm.

Tae-suk's drawing of an eye acts like the peripheral vision of a person, while Tae-suk is behind the person. 

Tae-suk practices hiding in an imaginary person's blind spot.

Afterwards, he skirts across the camera. The camera pans across his cell, but is unable to show Tae-suk. Suggesting that he has mastered the skill.

Back at the house, Sun-hwa is staring out the window. Min-gyu comes up behind her and wants to move away. He is convinced that Sun-hwa is waiting for Tae-suk to be released from jail. Sun-hwa stops him from calling the moving agency. Min-gyu sees this and challenges Tae-suk to come.

Back at the prison, the guard comes to bring prisoner 2094's (Tae-suk) meal. He sees no one in the cell and declares that he is coming inside the cell to “kill" the Tae-suk.

The guard believes that Tae-suk is behind him but does not see him. Tae-suk pats his shoulder and then beats the guard and throws him out the cell. The guard tries to enter the cell again but is quickly beaten out again.  

The guard locks the cell and looks into the cell. He cries "God-dammed ghost." We do not see Tae-suk's figure besides his arm in this entire scene.

Scene transitions to outside the cell looking in. Tae-suk appears and the cell is opened. Two guards escort Tae-suk down a hallway. 

Scene 23 (1:10;55 )

Sun-hwa is in the bathroom doing laundry in the way that Tae-suk does laundry.

Min-gyu asks why she bothers if they have a laundry machine.

Sun-hwa continues doing laundry even harder than before.

Now at the car park, the detective parks his car and walks across the car park with a plastic bag full of items.

A golf ball rolls besides him. The detective picks up the ball, and is suddenly struck by another golf ball. A golf club swings at another ball and the detective exclaims in pain. Three more balls are struck and each time the detective cries out in agony.

Scene transitions to a golf ball rolling into a hole. A phone rings and Min-gyu picks up. The call is from the police. He informs Sun-hwa that Tae-suk is released. Min-gyu holds his golf club and challenges Tae-suk to show up.

Scene 24 (1:12;32)

Now we are at boxers home. A woman is angry at the boxer for not returning her calls and slaps him because she thinks he is seeing another woman. She is suspicious because a girl called the boxer late at night. 

The boxer suddenly thinks that someone else is in the house and looks around the house, although the woman thinks the boxer is deflecting. 

The woman then gasps when she sees the poster of the boxer with white paper on his eyes. The boxer confirms that someone was in their house.

We return to the house in Bukchon Hanok Village. The camera shakily moves around and scans around the garden, mimicking the perspective of a person. The lady cleaning in the garden turns around and sees no one. 

The camera pans to the couch with the pillows tidied up, then one of the pillows start to move.

Then the man who lives at the house returns sneakily to surprise the lady. The lady shrieks. 

The man then asks why she didn't tidy up the sofa, but she says she did in the morning.

Next we are at the photographer's apartment complex. The photographer is on a call with someone. The photographer feels that there's someone in the apartment and suddenly grabs a golf club as if to strike someone. He then strikes a golf ball replica that swings around (similarly to scene 8). 

The doorbell rings and a girl enters. The photographer confesses that he did not see anyone. We then see the photo of Sun-hwa where it is mostly unscrambled except for two sections. 

The photographer and the girl begin to make-out, but the girl says "I think someone's watching. I'm scared." Both of them look out the room and the girl shrieks when she sees an empty frame (previously held Sun-hwa’s photograph). 

The screen then turns black and we hear the girl scream.

Scene 25 (1:17;51)

We are now at the garden of Min-gyu and Sun-hwa's house at night. Min-gyu wakes up and heads to the living room to wield a golf club. Min-gyu scans around the house and tells Sun-hwa he thinks Tae-suk is here and returns to bed. 

Eventually, Sun-hwa arises and heads to a mirror while smiling. At the mirror, we see Tae-suk appear behind her and Sun-hwa tears up as she reaches for Tae-suk's face. 

Min-gyu enters from the bedroom and asks why Sun-hwa is awake. Sun-hwa's reflection does not show Tae-suk anymore. 

Sun-hwa turns to face Min-gyu and says "I love you." Min-gyu is surprised and check behind him, then embraces Sun-hwa happily. Sun-hwa's hand reaches out and Tae-suk accepts it. Tae-suk and Sun-hwa kiss behind Min-gyu.

Scene 26 (1:21;20)

It is now morning, and Sun-hwa is setting breakfast at the table. Min-gyu appears with Tae-suk behind him.

 Min-gyu sits down at the table to eat breakfast. At times the camera angle is showing Sun-hwa from a perspective above Min-gyu's head. While Min-gyu says he "feels lie someone's been here since last night," we see Tae-suk behind him. As Min-gyu checks behind him, Tae-suk moves along Min-gyu's blind spot to reach for food. Tae-suk and Sun-hwa smile at each other.

Eventually, Min-gyu leaves the home. A hand reaches for the DVD player, and music plays. 

Sun-hwa looks around the room as the camera shakily follows her. Then we see Tae-suk behind her. Sun-hwa spreads her hand out and moves backwards. 

One scene shows Sun-hwa touching her shadow. Then Sun-hwa turns around to see Tae-suk and they embrace. Afterwards, we see both of their feet on a scale but it shows 0kg.

The image blurs and a text appears: "It's hard to tell that the world we live in is either a reality or a dream."



Director: KIM Ki-duk (Korean, Seoul)
Year released: 2004
Running time: 1:25
Setting: Mostly urban Korea
IMDb: 3-Iron
Release data (Box Office Mojo): 3-Iron

Tae-suk: the motorcycle-riding, house fixer-upper male protagonist

Sun-hwa: his romantic interest who is in an abusive marriage

Min-gyu: Sun-hwa's abusive husband

Topics of focus for this film:

Relationship between "society" and this couple.

Reconstructing "worlds".

Role of Buddhism in this film.

Dream and dreaminess in this film compared to the others screened.

Place of women in this film and the others screend.

Is this film misogynistic?

Module 01: Scenes 00-07 (31 min.)
Module 02
: Scenes 11-20 (35 min.)
Module 03
: Scenes 21-28 (20 min.)

Availability on campus:

East Asian library—EAST PN1997.2.P592 2004 Media Room