TCP 04
EA105 LASTNAME classname keyword
Please be careful to get the subject line correct since, at the end of the term I am logging in a large number of essays from three class at nearly the same time and have no time to write you and ask where your essay is and assess very severe late penalties if the submission is late or missing (usually an "F"). This might seem odd but every semester I have one or two students who simply choose not to submit anything to me. Expect an acknowledgment from me 24 hours after the deadline or within 48 hours if you submitted early.
TCP 00 - Overview (go to that page)
TCP 01 - Work related to Initial Presentation (go to that page)
- Choose countries (team work)
- Report choice to me
- Choose mood-genre & theme (team work)
- Report choice to me
- Select hypothetical films
- Present in class hypothetical NDTs
TCP 02 - Work related to NDT Report (Progress Report 01) (go to that page)
- Select films (team work)
- View films
- Develop NDT (individual work)
- Report NDT to me (individual work)
- Decide NDT (team work)
- Present in class NDT
- Revise and resubmit NDT
- Report revised NDT to me
TCP 03 - Work related to IE Report (Progress Report 02) (go to that page)
- Research for your IE (individual work)
- Before, and to be used in, your in-class presentation: Submit at the same time: 1) a PPT slide that has your films, NDT, bibliography, and current working thesis or direction of your IE; 2) the script you will read for your presentation (individual work)
- Present briefly in class on the current state of your IE, and field questions / comments from me
TCP 04 - Work related to IE file-sharing and submission (go to that page)
- Finish writing your IE (individual work)
- Submit your IE (individual work)
- Team IE's: Release and access (team work)
TCP 05 - Work related to the JCS, the final TCP submission (go to that page)
- Meet to jointly write the JCS
- Submit to me and wait for a receipt acknowledgment (indicates you are finished with the course)
TCP — IE submission and file-sharing
INDIVIDUAL WORK (working in the "blind", separated away from all team members) — file-sharing / essay
When you complete your IE, you send it to me. At the same time you send me a short "basic details" form that provides keywords and such about your IE. Students will use this to see if your essay might be useful to them.
I place the "basic details" information on a live GoogleDrive document. I place your essay in a bSpace folder labeled with your team letter. It is locked until I receive all team submissions. I then unlock it and you can begin work on your final segment, the JCS.
It is academic dishonesty, and I will fail the entire team probably, if anyone shares his or her essay or part his or her essay with team members before I allow access via bSpace. One reason the penalty is severe is because the classwide project assumes that your conclusions are independently arrived at. Another reason is that the IE is a large percent of the course grade and I need to know it is your work and your work alone. If you rely on essays by your team to write your essay, you have not worked entirely "in the blind".
Submitting your "basic details" form and essay
These must be submitted by the deadline. If you miss the deadline you are removed from your team and will complete the class independently. Your IE will have a late penalty and your final segment portion (JCS) will receive a zero. Your participation grade for the team will receive a zero as well. Do not be late!
BETTER: Submit as early as possible so that the team can get started and take advantage of the open RRR sessions. Teams are allowed to communicate with each other now to discuss timing of IE submission but, of course, nothing about IE content.
Both documents are attached to a single email sent to me. Use the subject line EA105 LASTNAME classname IEDONE
The form for the basic details is on bSpace and is titled EA105 basic details LASTNAME classname.
There is no form for the essay. Please submit it in a standard document format that everyone can open and use. Please title the document EA105 full essay LASTNAME classname. (Of course, inside the document itself if should have a real essay title.) DO NOT PUT YOUR SID ON YOUR ESSAY since all students will have access to it.
If you have private comments for me, please put them in the email, not on either of the documents that students are free to read.
Here's a repeat of the earlier quick checklist for your IE that summarizes the key points from the previous instructions:
- Is academically honest (no plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty when working with sources).
- Follows course rules and pursues course goals.
- Strictly stays on-topic (NDT).
- Strictly stays within the word limit.
- Is disciplined in method (per the approach used in this class) and expression (organizing and rewriting for clarity).
- I check for good form (citation form, and such) but this doesn't become a grading factor until a certain level of messy / casual form occurs. However, you MUST follow the title management and character name management requirements.
- Timely submission.
TEAM WORK — Obtaining and reading the IEs in your team
I do not announce when the last IE from your team has arrived. Instead I unlock the bSpace folder so you need to start checking bSpace around the time you think all members have submitted. (You are invited to email each other when you submit to me, just saying "I've submitted" or such. Do NOT discuss essay content!) Since I do not accept late submissions, your folder will be unlocked, at the latest, shortly after the deadline has passed. You can then read each other's work and begin to figure out how to complete your JCS. If your unlocked folder is missing an IE, it means the team member did not submit on time and is not longer part of your team. You can, however, double check that with me.
The "basic details" form information will also be unlocked shortly after the deadline. I will announce the unlocking. The information will be on GoogleDrive. You should begin early looking over that information to see if there are any other essays that might be useful to you. (Your JCS is rewarded for references to these other essays.)