TCP 05
EA105 LASTNAME classname keyword
Please be careful to get the subject line correct since, at the end of the term I am logging in a large number of essays from three class at nearly the same time and have no time to write you and ask where your essay is and assess very severe late penalties if the submission is late or missing (usually an "F"). This might seem odd but every semester I have one or two students who simply choose not to submit anything to me. Expect an acknowledgment from me 24 hours after the deadline or within 48 hours if you submitted early.
TCP 00 - Overview (go to that page)
TCP 01 - Work related to Initial Presentation (go to that page)
- Choose countries (team work)
- Report choice to me
- Choose mood-genre & theme (team work)
- Report choice to me
- Select hypothetical films
- Present in class hypothetical NDTs
TCP 02 - Work related to NDT Report (Progress Report 01) (go to that page)
- Select films (team work)
- View films
- Develop NDT (individual work)
- Report NDT to me (individual work)
- Decide NDT (team work)
- Present in class NDT
- Revise and resubmit NDT
- Report revised NDT to me
TCP 03 - Work related to IE Report (Progress Report 02) (go to that page)
- Research for your IE (individual work)
- Before, and to be used in, your in-class presentation: Submit at the same time: 1) a PPT slide that has your films, NDT, bibliography, and current working thesis or direction of your IE; 2) the script you will read for your presentation (individual work)
- Present briefly in class on the current state of your IE, and field questions / comments from me
TCP 04 - Work related to IE file-sharing and submission (go to that page)
- Finish writing your IE (individual work)
- Submit your IE (individual work)
- Team IE's: Release and access (team work)
TCP 05 - Work related to the JCS, the final TCP submission (go to that page)
- Meet to jointly write the JCS
- Submit to me and wait for a receipt acknowledgment (indicates you are finished with the course)
TCP — JCS (Joint Comparative Statement)
notes for summer: there can be no division of labor on the write up, all members send at same time?, this can be a googledoc as long as it comes back to me as a .docx
EVERY instance of title uses the same format; every character name is always full name and always in bold, all script characters followed by romaji
on new form put observations and conclusion at the beginning of the form, then have an essay and underline the same observation or conclusion in the body of the essay
state propsitions in first paragraph and summary paragraph (some will read only one of these)
there is a reward for being cited
paragraph frequently for reading ease
must have biblio at end
this is upper division, you should know the basics of citation and this is graded
need ndt at top of IE
observations and conclusions on JCS form must be able to stand alone
IE goal: to deliver ideas to the group that ultimate might end up in the JCS
RTIA: Report to Team of Individual Analysis TRC Teams Report to Class CA: Consolidation Attempt
good article for general reading?
TEAM WORK — setting a time for the JCS meeting
While working on your IE, it is probably a good idea to ask teammates approximately when they plan to finish and settle on a time and place to write the JCS. It must be written jointly, with all members present. Expect that meeting to take 3 hours, longer if you have not yet read carefully the other IEs in your work group. Since the IEs of the full class cannot be released until all have been submitted, as a practical matter you will not have access to them, probably, until a few hours after the deadline (when I have logged in all last minute submissions). Therefore, since looking at the IE of others is a component to the JCS, you might consider two meetings: the first in order to more or less complete the JCS form, the second to revisit the form, in order to perhaps include items from the IE of others.
INDIVIDUAL WORK (working in the "blind", separated away from all team members) — while finishing up your IE ...
Each team member should be checking bSpace off-and-on. When all team IE have been submitted, I unlock the folder. You then should access, and read first the JCS form, then read all IEs. Then, if the basic description is available, that should be checked ahead of time as well. You might consider arranging for a simple email (that of course doesn't include the IE) from a team member who has submitted and received an acknowledgment from me, in order to track submissions and get a good sense of when it is time-efficient to start looking for the bSpace folder.
TEAM WORK — JCS meeting
Meet at least once to complete the form JCS form that will be sent to the last member of the team to submit the IE to me, who will then share it with team members (and, of course, not other students).
Submit ONE form, sent by ONE of you only, while everyone is present. (If you are not present, please know that you are fully liable for ALL content on the form. If there is academic dishonesty, it will be applied to everyone; if it is late, that will be applied to everyone, too, so I STRONGLY suggest you do not fudge the rules. Be present and fully responsible for the forms content before disbanding the meeting. EACH AND EVERYONE ONE OF YOU SHOULD WATCH FOR AN ANNOUNCEMENT OR EMAIL THAT I HAVE RECEIVED YOUR SUBMISSION AND ACCEPTED IT. YOU ARE NOT FINISHED WITH THIS CLASS UNTIL TO SEE THAT ACKNOWLEDGMENT. If you have properly included all team member emails as requested, I will hit reply all. If you have not, I will post an announcement on the announcements page. (I won't look up email addresses.)
Submit using EA105 Group Letter JCSDONE. Send it only once to me, before the deadline. Include all team members email addresses on the "To" line as well. Watch for a confirmation from my end and be ready to fix and resubmit on very very short notice, if something is wrong. I am on an extremely tight grading schedule. I will not accept late submissions; all team members will receive an "F" for the JCS component. Watch the acknowledging email from me to confirm that all has gone well with the submission process.