Top / EA109 Fall 2013 / Session details



❖ Testable topics and materials
◊ Other topics and materials
✓ To be complete by class time

On powerpoints, this means "testable page":

◀ previous session | next session

Tea questions can take many shapes ...

Session 18: Midterm 01


❖ Midterm 01

General comments (Fall 2011)

The test leans on information over analysis in the sense that Part A is fairly long. This gives very little time for an essay question, probably only about 10 minutes. Thus the question will be short in terms of what is needed in writing for the answer. That means either a narrow window of history to recount or an analytic problem to solve. No extended argument or narrative will be asked of you.

Required for today's session (Spring 2013)

✓ Memorize your SID.
✓ On-time arrival. Once the timed powerpoint for Part A begins I will not back it up for late arrivals.
✓ While multiple choice font is fairly large, remember to bring glasses or whatever for reading the on-screen questions.
✓ There are no breaks during the exam, so make rest stops ahead of time.
✓ Pencil for answering multiple choice questions on Part A.
✓ Eraser or such if you use one; another writing instrument comfortable for you for writing essays.

You do NOT need a timepiece (I will project time), or paper (I provide answer sheets).

Multimedia notes (Fall 2011)

◊ Part A is projected on the screen, as a powerpoint. Part B questions are usually projected on the screen as well. Time-remaining will be projected very soon after Part B begins.


Past tests for this class are not necessarily a good indication of the test. I make new tests every time. Class content shifts, as does my focus, as does testing strategies.

Links to each session page

Sun, Sept 1, 2013: I am migrating this site to a new site. It takes time. During this transition, there are two ways to access a particular day's web page. You can start with the new EA109 Fall 2013 Course Guide page, our official top page. It will take you directly to the new pages and redirect to old pages when necessary. Or you can use the below chart. It will take you directly to the day's session page—the new one when it exists, the old one when it has yet to be migrated. Greenhighlight means the new page exists. Sorry for the dust and mess during construction!

Aug 30, F S01
Sep 4, W S02
Sep 6, F S03
Sep 9, M S04
Sep 11, W S05
Sep 13, F S06
Sep 16, M S07
Sep 18, W S08
Sep 20, F S09
Sep 23, M S10
Sep 25, W S11

Sep 27, F S12
Sep 30, M S13
Oct 2, W S14
Oct 4, F S15
Oct 7, M S16
Oct 9, W S17
Oct 11, F S18-Midterm
Oct 14, M S19
Oct 16, W S20
Oct 18, F S21
Oct 21, M S22

Oct 23, W S23
Oct 25, F S24
Oct 28, M S25
Oct 30, W S26
Nov 1, F S27
Nov 4, M S28-Midterm
Nov 6, W S29
Nov 8, F S30
Nov 13, W S31
Nov 15, F S32
Nov 18, M S33
Nov 20, W S34

Nov 22, F S35
Nov 25, W S36
Nov 27, F S37
Dec 2, M S38-Midterm
Dec 4, W S39
Dec 6, F S40
Dec 9, M (RRR)
Dec 11, W (RRR)
Dec 13, F (RRR)

Dec 19 3-6PM, Th FINAL