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J155 Spring 2012 Assignments & Tests

Sound file recognition

How and when does this happen?

This happens once for each author. Thirty-second sound file excerpts for all the stories are on bSpace. However, WHERE each excerpt is in the story itself is not identified. The 30-second sound file excerpt will be quizzed on the day when the material containing the sound file excerpt is assigned. This is NOT announced—you need to inform yourself by preparing the material. This is work YOU DO ON YOUR OWN. In class I will play a very short sound clip (about 1 second). The clip will be designed so that you can only identify it by having listened to the sound clip (rather than based on content meaning). You are to identify whether it is part of, or not part of, the thirty-second sound file excerpt for the author being read at the time.

How is it graded?

The short sound clip I play MIGHT or MIGHT NOT be part of our sound files (any of them). However, it will NEVER be part of a thirty-second sound file that is not yet covered; in other words, looking ahead to thirty-second sound files that have not yet been assigned will not help you.

You receive 2 points for answering correctly whether or not the sound clip played comes from the 30-second sound file excerpt (You will answer "あ" which means "Yes, it is in the sound clip—ある" or "な" which means "No it is not in the sound clip—ない.)

You receive 1 additional point if you answer "No, not in it but it was in our sound clip of Tanizaki."—and that is correct. BUT, if it is not, you "receive" minus 0.5 points. (In other words, there is a half-point penalty for a wrong answer, to prevent random guessing.)

You receive 1 additional point if you write the phrase that follows it more or less accurately. No penalty.

You are welcome to only guess whether it is or is not in the day's thirty-second sound file extract. Going as far as trying to identify the source is optional or writing phrases is optional.

Guard your answer with your hand when not writing.

How to prepare

When prepping the day's materials, check to see if the 30-second sound file excerpt for that author is part of that day's assigned passages. If it is, listen to it carefully multiple times until you feel you know it by ear very well. For some looking at the text while listening might be useful; for others this might be exactly the wrong thing and relying entirely on one's listening talents will be best.