Top / J155 Assignments & Tests / Spring 2012: Presentation, "bio" template for email

J155 Presentation: "bio" template for email

Original rules

Grade scale to use:

  • "A" — Very useful
  • "A-minus" — Useful
  • "B" — Mostly useful
  • "C" — Useful in places
  • "D" — Not particularly useful
  • "F" — I felt my time was being completely wasted

Cut-and-paste into your email this and give a grade based on the question(s):

How well did this presentation help you understand the author's life in terms of his or her thought and literary activity?

How well did this presentation help you understand the author's life in terms of his or her situation within intellectual and/or cultural and/or literary history?

How well did this presentation help you understand the author's personal life?

How helpful was this presentation in understanding the story we are reading?

[Added Mid-March] Ungraded additional feedback — How successful was the presenter in limiting information to a few main points that are relevant to the above questions and our class and that were presented as the main points? (Select one of these word phrases: Very successful [=4], Mostly successful [=3], Somewhat successful [=2], Not all that successful [=1]. The presenter will see this as a number average, using the above number tags.)

New rules

Grade scale to use:

  • "A" — Very useful
  • "A-minus" — Useful
  • "B" — Mostly useful
  • "C" — Useful in places
  • "D" — Not particularly useful
  • "F" — I felt my time was being completely wasted

Cut-and-paste into your email this and give a grade based on the question(s):

How well did this presentation help you understand the author's life in terms of his or her thought and literary activity?

How well did this presentation help you understand the author's life in terms of his or her situation within intellectual and/or cultural and/or literary history?

How well did this presentation help you understand the author's personal life?

How helpful was this presentation in understanding the story we are reading?

[Added Mid-March] Ungraded additional feedback — How successful was the presenter in limiting information to a few main points that are relevant to the above questions and our class and that were presented as the main points? (Select one of these word phrases: Very successful [=4], Mostly successful [=3], Somewhat successful [=2], Not all that successful [=1]. The presenter will see this as a number average, using the above number tags.)