Top / J7B Spring 2012 / Session details



❖ Testable topics and materials
◊ Other topics and materials
✓ To be completed by class time

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Session 13—Tu, Feb 28: Dazai Osamu and his Setting Sun (1947) Session 2 • The Buraiha & Sakaguchi Ango’s “In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom” (1947)

Topics for this session

❖ Dazai Osamu—Setting Sun (1947)
Buraiha (Decadence School)
❖ Sakaguchi Ango's "In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom" (1947)


nothing yet ...

Required—to be completed for today's session

✓ Finish reading Setting Sun.

✓ Read "In the Forest, Under the Cherries in Full Bloom" ["Sakaguchi Under Cherries" [bSpace, PDF]

Texts, multimedia notes, links*

I have been looking for time to make a Web page or a set of files that cover these groups: Naturalists, the Shirakaba Group, Neo-Sensualists and the Buraiha, at least. The basic positions of all these groups have been covered in class, and I would like you to know them, but there is, as yet, no consolidated place about them. Build from your notes unless I indicate that I have made something. While it would be nice if you know who is associated with what, the first priority is the basic content / position of their ideas. All these groups are "loose" in that there is no one naturalist position and so on. All members of these groups are also only loosely associated with the group in the sense that their membership was only for a certain time and their writings reflect more than just the position of the group they were associated with.

Buraiha [bSpace, PDF]


nothing yet ...

*THOUGHTS: Reading before class probably helps follow session content, reading afterwards might help consolidate notes, revisiting for tests is recommended. Content might be added before class or anytime up until about 24 hours ahead of a midterm.

*TEXTS, MULTIMEDIA NOTES, LINKS: If I have read from something, shown something or presented audio, I usually include that information here. If I consider it testable material, it will definitely be listed here. Miscellaneous material that I show may or may not be listed. I often add material at the last minute and hope to have time later to note it, but often cannot.

*OTHER: When possible I note here names, places, and other details that I have mentioned in a lecture that would otherwise not be accessible in the assigned materials or easily located on your own. As with "TEXTS ..." this is usually sometime after class and, again, I might not be able to get around to doing it.