Top / J7B Spring 2012 / Session details



❖ Testable topics and materials
◊ Other topics and materials
✓ To be completed by class time

On powerpoints, this means "testable page":

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Session 25—Tu, April 17: Isao Takahata’s “Grave of the Fireflies” (1988) screening Part 2 • Shōwa & Heisei Poetry

Topics for this session

◊ finish screening "Grave of the Fireflies", with discussion
❖ Shōwa and Heisei Poetry


Special note: First portion of this class is attendance optional. If you plan to view the film, please arrive on time! If you arrive late, please be courteous and enter quietly. Students who have elected not to watch "Grave of the Fireflies" need to come to the second portion of this class only. Watch the announcements for the approximate time that you need to arrive—it depends on how far we are able to screen on Day 1. You can come in at anytime ahead of that start time, if you wish, just do so quietly please.

Required—to be completed for today's session

Poetry Reader Two [bSpace, PDF].

Texts, multimedia notes, links*

◊ Screened Terayama Shūji's short film "Ori" (1964). YouTube:

◊ Screened Tawara Machi reading some of her poems


nothing yet ...

*THOUGHTS: Reading before class probably helps follow session content, reading afterwards might help consolidate notes, revisiting for tests is recommended. Content might be added before class or anytime up until about 24 hours ahead of a midterm.

*TEXTS, MULTIMEDIA NOTES, LINKS: If I have read from something, shown something or presented audio, I usually include that information here. If I consider it testable material, it will definitely be listed here. Miscellaneous material that I show may or may not be listed. I often add material at the last minute and hope to have time later to note it, but often cannot.

*OTHER: When possible I note here names, places, and other details that I have mentioned in a lecture that would otherwise not be accessible in the assigned materials or easily located on your own. As with "TEXTS ..." this is usually sometime after class and, again, I might not be able to get around to doing it.