Many people know me from my writing for the music industry during the 70s and 80s. Here are a few highlights.
I will start to put scans of some of these items in the Archives here.
CMP Publications (formerly GPI Publications)
Keyboard magazine
Vintage Gear: Paia Modulars, February 2006, photo credit and mentions
Vintage Gear: Paia Stringz 'n' Thingz, June 2003
Putting Together Your Own Service Center, October 1981
Synthesizer Basics book series (Hal Leonard Publishing); contract editor for first 3 books in series, 1980-81
Electronic Musician magazine
In Memoriam: John Simonton, February 2006 (at bottom of their web page)
20 Years Ago Today; January 2006, editorial mentions
Polyphony magazine - many back issues still available at Paia.
Various reprints of Polyphony articles have shown up around the web. (Here (
PDF, 364K) is one; and here is it's home page)
I'll try to add more links or PDF scans of articles.
The Source Book of Patching and Programming, ISBN 0-933338-00-7, 1978
Build The Phlanger, October 1977 (cover feature article)
Build This String Synthesizer, February 1979 (cover feature article) and March 1979
Sound Arts The Merchandising Journal for Music and Sound
Source Books for Music and Sound, June 1981
Interfacing Synthesizers, September 1981
Hardware and Software in Musical Instruments, September 1982
A/DA (Analog/Digital Associates), Berkeley, CA
STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay Owners Manual, 1981. I also did delay line prototyping, and circuit board layout for this device. Anyone know where Dave Tarnowski is these days? If so, please let me know.
updated 6/25/06