Welcome to TORPEDO JUNCTION - Since 1994, the Industry Leader Specializing in Submarine and U-Boat Books and Memorabilia. The World's Largest Inventory and the Finest Selection of New, Used and Rare Submarine and U Boat Books.
Burleson, Clyde W.THE JENNIFER PROJECTPrentice-Hall 1977"Howard Hughes...the CIA...A Russian Submarine...the intelligence coup of the decade." The inside story of a CIA operation to salvage a Russian submarine and its top-secret cargo. Photos, diagram, map, chart, 179 pages. VG/G+ $15 Order Form
Bunch, JimGERMANY'S U-85 - A SHADOW IN THE SEA: A Diver's Reflections2003 For anyone who enjoys U-boat history and wreck diving here's a fascinating look at the story of U-85, her captain and crew, and the diving and adventure that have followed. U-85 was sunk April 14, 1942 by the U.S.S. Roper 15 miles northeast of Oregon Inlet North Carolina. The author has made over 500 dives on the U-85 over the last 20 years and has done extensive research in its history from the time its keel was laid, until it became the first German U-boat engaged on the surface by U.S. Navy warships during World War Two. Large format hard cover, 99 photos, both color and archival b+w of the U-boat and crew, many drawings and diagrams, 96 pages. 1st edition hardback. By special arrangement now available ONL!
Y from TORPEDO JUNCTION - Presentation copy Autographed by the Author, Jim Bunch. NEW condition hardback. $25 Order Form
Carrier, Rick and BarbaraDIVE-The Complete Book of SkindivingWilfred Funk 1955This book is the first systematic study of the fast-growing and exciting new sport of skin diving and the development of the aqua-lung. Comprehensive. Photos, ill., diagrams, app., 294 pages. 1st VG+/VG $20 Order Form
Chowdhury, BernieTHE LAST DIVE: A Father and Son's Fatal Descent into the Ocean's DepthsHarper Collins 2000Chris and Chrissy Rouse, an experienced father-and-son scuba diving team, hoped to achieve widespread recognition for their outstanding but controversial diving skills. Obsessed and ambitious, they sought to uncover the secrets of a mysterious, undocumented World War II German U-boat that lay under 230 of water, only a half-day's mission from New York Harbor. In doing so, they paid the ultimate price for their quest for fame. Bernie Chowdhury, an expert diver himself and a close friend of the Rouses, explores the thrill-seeking world of deep sea diving, including its legendary figures, most celebrated triumphs, and gruesome tragedies. By examining the divers' psychology through the complex father-and-son dynamic, Chowdhury illuminates the extreme sport diver's push toward- and sometimes beyond- the limits of human endurance. Color photos, end!
paper maps, 356 pages. 1st VG/VG $10 Order Form
Cousteau, Jacques-YvesTHE WORLD WITHOUT SUNHarper and Row 1965The story of man's first colony on the ocean floor, where Cousteau's team lived and worked continuously submerged for a month. Large 4to format with 102 color and 140 black and white photos, 202 pages. 1st F-/VG+ $15 Order Form
Crile, J. B.TREASURE DIVING HOLIDAYViking 1954Salvage and treasure diving in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. 52 photos, 263 pages. VG $12 Order Form
Davies, David H.ABOUT SHARKS AND SHARK ATTACKHobbs, Dorfman and Co. 1966"Dr. Davies treatment of the subject is based on years of research and includes material not previously published." The book is profusely illustrated with drawings and photos, many in color of shark attack victims. Color and b+w photos, ill., diagrams, maps, charts, app., 237 pages. 1st F-/VG+ $15 Order Form
Dunmore, Spencer LOST SUBS Da Capo 2002
The gripping stories of the world's most famous lost submarines, from the ghostly wreck of the Civil War submersible Hundley ... to the grave of the Kursk beneath the Barents Sea. Features amazing underwater images of these vessels. Large 4to-pictorial format, color and b+w photos, ill., 176 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Fane and MooreTHE NAKED WARRIORSUSNI 1995The Story of the U.S. Navy's Frogmen. Fane's blow-by-blow account of UDT operations in World War II and Korea is the classic frogman story told by a legendary commander. 20 photos, 308 pages. USNI reprint F-/F- $25 Order Form
Gallagher, Thomas THE X-CRAFT RAID Harcourt 1971 "Story of a secret WW 2 mission unparalleled in the annals of the sea." The British mission to destroy the Nazi battleship Tirpitz in Norway with midget x-craft submarines. Photos, diagram, map, 170 pages. 1st VG/VG $25 Order Form
Gray, Edwyn FEW SURVIVED: A History of Submarine Disasters Cooper 1996The first comprehensive account of every peacetime submarine disaster from 1774 to present. More than a list of what sunk where, when and why, the author examines the sinkings in considerable detail including rescues and attempts as well as development of rescue equipment, past and present . The appendices include the most comprehensive and accurate list of submarine disasters ever printed, several of which appear for the first time in this study. Photos, app., 274 pages. 1st NEW condition $30 Order Form
Greene and Massignani THE BLACK PRINCE AND THE SEA DEVILS: The Story of Valerio Borghese and the Elite Units of the Decima MAS Da Capo 2004The story of Prince Borghese and his infamous WWII Italian naval commando unit, midget submarine and covert activities including spiriting away an Italian agent imprisoned on an Allied submarine. Photos, 284 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Hill, A. J. UNDER PRESSURE: The Final Voyage of Submarine S-Five Free Press 2002
The true story of the 36 hour long ordeal of the crew of the S-Five submarine that went down in waters in the Atlantic. With no radio, no electrical system, one drive motor shut down, and the ship full of water, the captain and crew fight to find a way to survive. It is a story of the courage, endurance, and incredible resoursefulness of the entire 41 man crew. Photos, app., 256 pages. 1st NEW condition $15 Order Form
Kemp Peter MIDGET SUBMARINES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR Caxton 1999 This study looks at why major navies engaged in the construction of midget submarines and details all the types of craft that were built. They are broadly divided into three groups: human chariot torpedoes, midget submarines and suicidal submersibles such as the Japanese Kaiten. With no other comparable book available this report will be of interest because of its detailed plans and photos. Large 9 1/2" x 11" format, 100 photos and plans, large separate foldout plan, charts, line drawings, 128 pages. NEW condition hardback. $30 Order Form

Kemp Peter UNDERWATER WARRIORS Brockhampton 1999Midget submarines are an important but relatively little-known part of the history of submarine development and use. During WW11 midget submarines were used extensively and effectively in raids against seaborne, harbor, and land based targets __ a subject that is throughly covered in this study. 75 photos, line drawings, charts, app., 256 pages. 1st NEW condition $25 Order Form
Kinder, Gary SHIP OF GOLD IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA Vintage Press 1999Recounts a disaster at sea unparalleled in its time, when the SS Central America, carrying nearly 600 passengers and twenty-one tons of gold, sank off the Carolina coast in 1857, and in 1989 was recovered by the young engineer, Tommy Thompson and the Columbus-America Discovery Group. Large softbound, diagram, ill., 536 pages. $10 Order Form
Kurson, Robert SHADOW DIVERS: The True Adventure of Two Americans Who Risked Everything to Solve One of the Last Mysteries of World War II Random 2004In the fall of 1991, two deep wreck divers discovered a World War II German U-boat sixty miles off the coast of New Jersey. No identifying marks were visible on the submarine or the few artifacts that John Chatterton and Richie Kohler brought to the surface. No historian, expert, or government had a clue as to which U-boat the men had found. In fact, the official records all agreed that there simply could not be a sunken U boat and crew at that location. Over the next six years, an elite team of divers embarked a quest to solve the mystery. Color and b+w photos, diagram of Type IXC U Boat, index, 375 pages. VG/VG $15 Order Form
Lavo , Carl BACK FROM THE DEEP USNI 1994"The Strange Story of the Sister Subs Squalus and Sculpin." Squalus SS 192 sank during a test dive in 1939 and was initially located by Sculpin SS 191 and participated in rescuing the crew. After salvaging and renaming as "Sailfish" she was later sunk by Sculpin during Worl War II. The extraordinary ordeals shared by these inseparable submarines in gripping detail. Photos, 226 pages. 1st F-/F- $20 Order Form
Limburg and Sweeney VESSELS FOR UNDERWATER EXPLORATION: A Pictorial History Crown 1973A history and photographic record of the development of underwater craft up to the times of modern underwater research submarines. Large 4to pictorial format, photos, app., glossary, 154 pages. Ex-library - otherwise VG/G+ $10 Order Form
Martin, Coiln FULL FATHOM FIVE Viking 1975Wrecks of the Spanish Armada. The expedition, search and salvage of the Santa Maria de la Rosa. Photos, map, app., 288 pages. 1st VG/VG $15 Order Form
Maas, Peter THE RESCUER Harper 1967"The extraordinary life of the Navy's "Swede" Momsen and his role in an epic submarine disaster." Momsen was responsible for directing the rescue and escape of crewmembers during the Squalus disaster in 1939. Photos, diagrams, app., 239 pages. 1st NF/VG $15 Order Form
Maas, Peter THE TERRIBLE HOURS USNI 1999"The man behind the greatest submarine rescue in history, "Swede" Momsen's role in an epic submarine disaster." Momsen was responsible for directing the rescue and escape of crewmembers during the Squalus disaster in 1939. 259 pages. 1st F/F $20 Order Form

NAVSHIPS 250-538 U.S. NAVY DIVING MANUAL: Volume 1 Principles of Diving U.S. Navy 1963 Originally published by the U.S. Navy as a training guide for Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) members, deep sea divers and frogmen, this Diving Manual is an indispensible reference for anyone interested in exploring the depths. Presents the general principles of diving including underwater physics, physiology, basic procedures, hazards, safety, and technical information. This historical book is a carefully created reproduction copy of NAVSHIPS 250-538, originally created during WWII and revised periodically. This version dates from 1963. Large 8.5" x 11" soft cover format with photos, illustrations, diagrams, schematics, charts, and tables, a comprehensive refe!
rence, 265 pages. NEW condition $25. Email your order directly from the publisher here - PeriscopeFilm.com
Norton, Trevor STARS BENEATH THE SEA Carroll & Graf 2000Here are the incredible but true stories of pioneers of deep-sea diving, the marvericks, eccentrics, and visionaries who risked their lives in the invention of deep-sea diving! The author presents the story of 13 scientists, inventors, daredevils, eccentrics and archeologists. The colorful history of the origins and development of deep-sea diving over the past two centuries is chronicled here with the daring exploits and sense-defying feats of the men who turned underwater adventure into a modern science! Photos, diagrams, 282 pages. NEW condition $15 Order Form
O'Neill, Richard SUICIDE SQUADS OF WORLD WAR II A comprehensive study of suicide-type operations and weapons used during WW11 by the Axis and Allied forces including midget submarines, human torpedoes, explosive motor-boats and KamIkaze aircraft. Photos, profusely illustrated, charts, extensive diagrams, glossary, maps, 296 pages. NF/VG $20 Order Form
Piccard and Dietz SEVEN MILES DOWN: The Story of the Bathyscaph Trieste Putnam 1961History was made when the bathyscaph Trieste dove to the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the Pacific off Guam. This book is the complete story of the invention and development of the bathyscaph and covers Trieste's dives off of Italy (1953-56), Mediterranean dives in 1957 and the ultradeep dives of Project Nekton. Photos, map, diagram, app., 249 pages. VG+/VG+ Scarce $28 Order Form
Raymer, Cmdr Edward C. DESCENT INTO DARKNESS PEARL HARBOR, 1941: A Navy Diver's Memoir Presidio Press 1996
This book details the raising and salvage operations of sunken battleships following the December 7th Pearl Harbor attack. The author, a U.S. Navy diver, describes the hazards of working inside the wreckage - strewn warships under the handicaps imposed by available diving technology. Photos, 214 pages. Large softbound format. NEW condition $15 Order Form
Snyder, Dick THE TRIESTE: The Story of the U.S. Navy's First Inner Space Ship Golden Gate 1964Foreword by Andreas Rechnitzer, former scientist in charge of the U.S. Navy Bathyscaph Program. A photographic tour of the operations of Trieste. Large 4to pictorial format, photos, diagram, 79 pages. 1st G+ $10 Order Form
Thorne, Jim ADVENTURES UNDER THE SEA Walker 1965The author, the founder of Adventure Inc., searched for the lost arms of the Venus de Milo, discovered a forgotten city under the sea, and helped salvage the wreck of a Civil War ironclad from the treacherous bottom of the Yazoo River. Photos, 187 pages. 1st VG+/VG $18 Order Form
Vyborny and Davis DARK WATERS - An Insider's Account of the NR-1, the Cold War's Undercover Nuclear Submarine NAL 2003
Operating alone and unarmed on the bottom of the sea, the U.S. Navy's smallest nuclear-powered submarine is one of its biggest weapons. Tied up at a pier, the boat with the bright orange sail looks absolutely minuscule, innocent and out of place beside its big brothers, the fleet's huge missile-carrying and attack submarines, but it can dive deeper, stay down for a month, and accomplish missions far beyond the capabilities of any of them. The ship has been cloaked in mystery. It wasn't commissioned or given a name, and even today it is hardly known beyond a select fraternity of sailors and scientists. They simply call it the NR-1.
"Dark Waters: An Insider's Account of the NR-1, the Cold War's Undercover Nuclear Sub" is a thrill-a-minute book of submarine adventure, imminent danger, personal bravery, technological wonder and historic discovery. It will be a proud addition to the shelves of readers who love stories of the sea, history and intrigue. Photos, app., 243 pages. 1st NEW condition $25 Order Form
Warren and Benson ABOVE US THE WAVES: The Story of Midget Submarines and Human Torpedoes Harrap 1953The complete story of British X-craft and Torpedo Charioteers during World War II. Photos, maps, diagrams, 256 pages. 1st UK printing VG/G+ $25 Order Form
Wilkinson, Burke BY SEA AND BY STEALTH Coward-McCann 1956"Stirring accounts of surprise attack by sea during World War II." Details some of the most striking and brilliant attacks by sea in WW 11 by special underwater commandos. Photos, maps, 218 pages. 1st VG/G+ $28; ANOTHER COPY G+ condition without dust jacket $18 Order Form
