The Summer Celebration of Life
The Annual Joydancer Gathering in Northern California to Celebrate Love, Life, and all things sacred.


Allan opened Sunday morning with some guidance about our mission in the Circle of Love Ceremony: "You have explored and exposed the lies and limiting beliefs about love that have been programmed into your minds by others. You have learned that your very nature IS Love and it is not something outside of you that you must attract or bargain for. You have offered those lies and old agreements to Grandfather Fire, and transformed them into the light. Now it is time to affirm your true nature: You ARE love, you always have been and you always will be!"

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Our Journey took us into nature, greeted by the smiles of love and a rose to accompany us on our journey. ANother greeting offered us a beautiful stone heart to fill with our love and carry with us beyond this day.

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Allan and Frank create a "Despacho" in the tradition of the Peruvian Andes. Frank catches a ray of light to add to the offerings. Everyone in the CIrcle of Love put their intentions for their new dream of live into three rose petals, and added them to the Despacho.
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With each new round of offerings, the despacho grows more beautiful and more powerful. Chocolate, the rose petal intentions, gifts, written notes, corn meal, flowers, and sacred objects fill the despacho with energy and our collective intent to live our lives IN love and AS love...
and to Dance in Joy with Life.
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Once the despacho is ready, it is bundled and becomes a power object for blessings and healing's. Gail prepares it with her intent.
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As Mike drums, Gail takes the despacho bundle to each person,
offering them the power gathered by the entire circle, as they
prepare to live their new dream of love.
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Melissa sings her heart, lifting us even higher
into love, while the light dances with Frank.
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As we finish the ceremony, the light in and around Allan
and everyone is strong
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We return to the main grounds, and unwrap the despacho for our final ceremony. The inner bundle is laid on a fire, and all of our dreams and intentions for our new Life IN Love are carried into the ethers on the light of the fire. We listen, and the Universe sings out a resounding “YES”
YES! YES!” We know our mission is complete. It is time for lunch
and to return home, never to be the same.