Steve Ayala

Hobbies & Interests

CD cover for Distr. Employee Manual

Δ  For nearly four years, I worked with the staff at the Marin-Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District, assembling this 131 page E-book. The new reader-friendly manual describes all the employment-related policies established during the past 35 years.


Nearly 750 digitized folk dance music recordings are on this new DVD. The conversion from audiotapes took more than six months of nearly full-time work. Each piece was rerecorded in mp3 format, individually documented, repaired, changed to stereo where needed, and sound-equalized.    

CD cover for digitized recordings

Vector Control District

Mosquito District web site

Since 1993, I've been Petaluma's representative on the Board of the Marin-Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District. In 1994, we put together the agency's internet site.

Mosquito Control District's website

West Coast Native Iris

iris on Pacific coast

Wondering why local vertebrates and their insect-borne diseases occur where they do, I realized that some wild plants have similar distributions. Here is one I looked at and wrote up:

Pacific Coast Native Iris website

Community Management

Magnolia Hills logo

City governments encourage local Homeowner Associations to manage and pay for the maintenance of their own buildings, parks, roadways and other facilities. Together we built our 32 homes. For 22 years, I've served on the Magnolia Hills Home Owners Association Board of Directors.


CNPS logo

Anne and I have been active in local projects of the California Native Plant Society. Anne was on the Board of the CNPS's Marin chapter, and we've put together wildflower lists for several local hotspots.

Putnam Park wildflower list

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together movie shot

Petaluma Rebuilding Together is a volunteer neighbor-helping-neighbor work project. In my dresser sit eight years of PRT t-shirts - starting with its first name: "Christmas in April".

see the TV story

Colombian Lizards

Colombian whiptail lizard

A well-along draft for a Guidebook to the 205 named species of Colombian lizards began as a side project during a study of malaria in wildlife. Set aside since 1980, I plan to refurbish the manuscript within a couple of years.