Wallace Welcome Page / Announcements / EA105 Summer 2013


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TCP 05 — SAATA (Summary Analysis of All Team Analyses) and its Submission

Early in the term, I create teams that are as diverse as possible based on gender, interests, analytic style.

Table of Contents of the TCP Web pages

*Click on the "go to instructions page" link to go to that page. If there is no link, the page has not yet been released.

TCP 00 - Overview (go to instructions page)

TCP 01 - Film selection (go to instructions page)

All members of a team, working as individuals and blind to one another's activities, select two possible films (one from each country) and report to me. The team then meets to narrow those possibilities down to the three films (one from each country) that everyone will use for analysis. The team reports the results to me, then says good-bye to each other for awhile.

TCP 02 - IA (Individual Analysis) Presentation (go to instructions page)

Working entirely in the blind, each team member submits film summaries to me. Upon receipt of sufficiently good summaries, I send that member the form for IA. She or he then begins work on the IA form, entirely in the blind to the other team members. She or he researches the three films (director, audience, reviews), develops some observations and perhaps conclusions, then shares those ideas with the class via a presentation. Ideas shared should be designed to help the class as a working unit advance thinking on the course goal and themes.

TCP 03 - IA (Individual Analysis) Submission (go to instructions page)

Each member then writes up his or her analysis, and submits to me.

TCP 04 - TA (Team Analysis) and Its Submission (go to instructions page)

The team meets to discuss the results of each team member's IA, and writes a report, the TA, to the class identifying convergences, divergences and emergences within the team that are relevant to the course themes and goals (audience is the full class).

TCP 05 - SAATA (Summary Analysis of All Team Analyses) (go to instructions page)

Each student analyzes the TAs, entirely in the blind to his or her team (in other words, this is just individual student activity not really team-related in any way whatsoever) in order to offer convergences and divergences relevant to the course goals, and perhaps also offering new emergences.


Class has an open discussion to identify possible observations and conclusions that seem to be widely held, and matters that are in contention.

TCP 05 — SAATA (Summary Analysis of All Team Analyses) and its Submission

Special note July 2, 2 PM: A couple students had emailed me, concerned about the confusion between JCS and SAATA. I went back to the Web site (this Web page) and it seems what happened is that I had not saved my work on this page when the program crashed, then, not noticing that, uploaded the partically constructed page. I actually don't remember precisely what was lost but I think the below is close enough.


  1. Download the SAATA form and team documents from the bSpace "TA" folder.
  2. Complete the form, independent of others.
  3. Submit the form by the deadline.

Grading rubric

The key grading questions: are you able to look at these various reports and offer incisive analysis towards the class goals? This is more than just describing the team reports or finding patterns among them.

Late submissions receive an "F" for the assignment.

You are still being graded for clarity and usefulness.

Clarity suggestions: Simplification might appear to make your analysis seem incautious or shallow. This is not the place to protect yourself by adding a lot of ambiguity. We will assume that things are not black and white, and that you are identifying directions where subtle analysis could take place. We need, I need, relatively concise statements so I can quickly identify some of these to offer up for class discussion. Therefore, I need the fifteen of you to stay fairly concise so I can read and position myself before class AND so when I offer an idea to the class it is concise enough that, upon being heard once, the class "gets it" and can react to it. Write your form with this in mind. Please don't slip away from this key requriement.

Usefulness suggestions: Remember the goal and themes of the course. Do not overload us with a lot of observations. Get your priorities straight and share the best of the class thinking.


  • Make sure you title the computer file correctly.
  • Submit by attaching the SAATA form to an email.
  • Use this as the keyword added to the usual subject line: SAATADONE
  • Submit by the deadline.

These are notes to me, not to students ....

notes for summer: there can be no division of labor on the write up, all members send at same time?, this can be a googledoc as long as it comes back to me as a .docx

EVERY instance of title uses the same format; every character name is always full name and always in bold, all script characters followed by romaji

on new form put observations and conclusion at the beginning of the form, then have an essay and underline the same observation or conclusion in the body of the essay

state propsitions in first paragraph and summary paragraph (some will read only one of these)

there is a reward for being cited

paragraph frequently for reading ease

must have biblio at end

this is upper division, you should know the basics of citation and this is graded

need ndt at top of IE

observations and conclusions on JCS form must be able to stand alone

IE goal: to deliver ideas to the group that ultimate might end up in the JCS

RTIA: Report to Team of Individual Analysis TRC Teams Report to Class CA: Consolidation Attempt

good article for general reading? http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1571-9979.2012.00350.x/full


Work done with your team in some way

Working in the "blind", separate from team members

Work submitted to me

Presentations in class


access (to films): Students must have easy and repeatable access to their films throughout the term. More ...

blind: There are times when team members work separately and "secretly" to one another. More ...

compare: Usually this means finding subtle differences relevant to the class and core values. More ...

careful reading: My standard for assigned readings and film viewing. More ...

compound statements: Avoid compound statements. More ...

content / content rich: Avoid topical descriptions, give me specific content. More ...

credible and interesting: These are qualities that are required for nearly all assigned written work and projects in my classes. I define them. More ...

credible sources: Secondary sources must be academically credible. I have a specific definition for this. More ...

East Asian countries: Japan, Korea and China. More ...

film summary: Various assignments require either the "brief" or "extended" version of the film summary, and this is usually graded carefully. The contents have specific requirements. More ...

Independent essay (IE): This is the essay that each student writes apart from their team, without communicating with them. More ...

informative title: Essay and such titles must be content rich. More ...

instance: "Instance" is any text, film, passage, scene or other sort of moment that has become the object of analysis and is situated in a very specific time & place. More ...

joint comparative statement (JCS): This is the final statement by the team. It compares the team's individual essays and the team's work with that of other teams. More ..

narrowly defined topic (NDT): Narrowly Defined Topic. This is the mutual decided topic for the individual essays. More ...

overreach: Conclusions or even speculations that are broader than is warranted. More ...

relate: An analytic method that asks you to speculate in one, some or all of these three basic spectrums: presence/absence, degree of modification, acceptance/resistance. More ...

romance ("love"): My working definition of "romance" for this class. More ...

story / story's world: We cannot deduce a text's or film's values based solely on narrative events; it is necessary to think about how those events are presented. More ...

term slippage: A messy exploration of an idea, or a sly rhetorical move when done on purpose. More ...

values / worldview: For this class, worldviews and values both contribute to context and help us understand cultural differences. Worldviews are primarily metaphysical; values are similar to social norms. More ...