Top / EA109 Spring 2013 / Session details



❖ Testable topics and materials
◊ Other topics and materials
✓ To be complete by class time

On powerpoints, this means "testable page":

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Entertainment (of various levels of quality) was associated with teahouses beginning in the Song dynasty. The below is from a Hangzhou tourist site. "In a tea house, two performers are showing tea art."

Session 20—Wed, Oct 12: Song China ②: Tea practices 2


❖ Trade & Tribute (Liao Dynasty)
❖ Tea Contests (茗戦・闘茶・回茶・飲茶勝負・茶寄合・茶湯勝負・貢茶・茗茶・銘闘)
❖ Teahouses

Thoughts—read before class, revisit for tests


Required—to be completed for today's session

✓ Nothing at this time but check back on Tuesday to see if I have added something on teahouses. Also, consider reading ahead for the next session. There is a substantial amount of reading required.

Multimedia notes

❖ textextext
◊ textextext


⇢ textextext


Details regarding teahouses (chaguan 茶館) with some illustrations on Chinese Tea House - China Culture

A short online article on teahouses in Sichuan: Land of Teahouses by Gwenaële Chesnais

Links to each session page

Jan 23, W S01
Jan 25, F S02
Jan 28, M S03
Jan 30, W S04
Feb 1, F S05
Feb 4, M S06
Feb 6, W S07
Feb 8, F S08
Feb 11, M S09
Feb 13, W S10
Feb 15, F S11

Feb 19, W S12
Feb 21, F S13
Feb 25, M S14
Feb 27, W S15
Mar 1, F S16
Mar 4, M S17
Mar 6, W S18-Midterm
Mar 8, F S19
Mar 11, M S20
Mar 13, W S21
Mar 15, F S22

Mar 18, M S23
Mar 20, W S24
Mar 22, F S25
Apr 1, M S26
Apr 3, W S27
Apr 5, F S28-Midterm
Apr 8, M S29
Apr 10, W S30
Apr 12, F S31
Apr 15, M S32
Apr 17, W S33
Apr 19, F S34

Apr 22, M S35
Apr 24, W S36
Apr 26, F S37
Apr 29, M S38-Midterm
May 1, W S39
May 3, F S40
May 6, M (RRR)
May 8, W (RRR)
May 10, F (RRR)

May 14, Tu FINAL