Top / EA109 Spring 2013 / Session details



❖ Testable topics and materials
◊ Other topics and materials
✓ To be complete by class time

On powerpoints, this means "testable page":

previous session | next session

Trigram "kan" (water) drawn on ashes to be used in boiling tea water
(example of Chinese Tang philosophical foundations of tea preparation in practice in Japan)

Session 28—Mon, Oct 31: Understanding traditional “wabicha” | Tea practices in Kamakura and mid-Muromachi Japan


❖ Conceptual framework: Intertextuality as a tool in understanding the origins of wabicha
❖ Historical background: Military rule, Buddhist reforms
❖ Two streams of early tea practice in Japan: service at Buddhist temples and “kaisho” parties

Thoughts—read before class, revisit for tests


Required—to be completed for today's session

Kamakura Tea Contests (Sen) (bSpace, PDF)

Assignment for next time is heavier so consider reading ahead.


Multimedia notes

❖ textextext
◊ textextext


⇢ textextext



Links to each session page

Jan 23, W S01
Jan 25, F S02
Jan 28, M S03
Jan 30, W S04
Feb 1, F S05
Feb 4, M S06
Feb 6, W S07
Feb 8, F S08
Feb 11, M S09
Feb 13, W S10
Feb 15, F S11

Feb 19, W S12
Feb 21, F S13
Feb 25, M S14
Feb 27, W S15
Mar 1, F S16
Mar 4, M S17
Mar 6, W S18-Midterm
Mar 8, F S19
Mar 11, M S20
Mar 13, W S21
Mar 15, F S22

Mar 18, M S23
Mar 20, W S24
Mar 22, F S25
Apr 1, M S26
Apr 3, W S27
Apr 5, F S28-Midterm
Apr 8, M S29
Apr 10, W S30
Apr 12, F S31
Apr 15, M S32
Apr 17, W S33
Apr 19, F S34

Apr 22, M S35
Apr 24, W S36
Apr 26, F S37
Apr 29, M S38-Midterm
May 1, W S39
May 3, F S40
May 6, M (RRR)
May 8, W (RRR)
May 10, F (RRR)

May 14, Tu FINAL