Top / J7A Essay Process Fall 2012 / Overview & Deadlines

J7A Essay Process (Fall 2012)
Overview & Deadlines


All students will submit an essay for J7A, Fall 2012.

It should be APPROXIMATELY in the 1800-2400 word range, in general, but effective length is determined by the essay goals and the expressive style of the student (some or concise, others are not — please be concise where possible). There is no real correlation between word length and grade: accomplish the goals of the essay with prose that has been tightened by a rewriting. Please do not think aloud or write your way towards a solution: those are events at the stage of the draft, not the complete product sent to us.

It has specific style requirements. See the sidebar tab"Style requirements".

It is submitted electronically, with severe late penalties.

Academic honesty is important. Be sure you understand the "context is king" and "fair & accurate representation / over-the-shoulder" and "no forgiveness" rules as described on my Academic Honesty Web page. Do not have others edit or otherwise contribute to your essay, including outside reading for improvement. If you do have editing or other advice, submit an original and the edited version. The original will need to be submitted early (see details below). The original will be graded, the edited version will be referred to if your meaning is unclear.

The basic goal of the essay is a credible and interesting exploration, elucidation and/or interpretation (in other words, "analysis") of a high-cultural art entity using a course concept, in a pairing between concept and entity that is fresh and promising (rather than expected: sabi in Basho's haiku is an expected pairing, bushido in Chikamatsu's plays is unusual enough to be accepted).

The work flow is to identify your topic, get to know your concept better, get to know the context and other things about your entity better, read (or view, etc) your entity in full, then submit the essay. Of course research, brain-storming, outlines, drafts and such happen along the way. Ii am suggesting, however, that you spend time thinking over your course concept first, then move to your entity. This will be time efficient in most cases.


Student deadlines

*All submissions are complete only after Wallace has ACCEPTED the submission. Watch your email in-box carefully after submission until you receive an email from Wallace.

STEP 01 Confirm topic, switch topic, or propose topic: Fri, Nov 2, 8PM

STEP 02 Resources Report: Sat, Nov 17, 10AM MORNING!!

STEP 03 Entirely Complete Essay: Sat, DEC 1, 8PM

STEP 04 Revised Complete Essay, revised: Tue, Dec 11, 8PM

Shared deadlines

Mentor-student deadline: For those proposing new topics for STEP 01 that are not on the list of topics, the final decision day is Fri, Nov 9.

Optional meeting with mentor to revise for STEP 04: Tue, Dec 4 (2 LeConte, during regular class time) or Thur, Dec 6 (2 LeConte, during regular class time) or at another time and place on Dec 4-6 as announced by your mentor

Mentor deadlines

(Wallace only): Assignment of topics and mentor: Wed, Oct 10

Shortly after STEP 01 is submitted: Wallace logs in and approves topics. Sometimes mentors are involved in topic approval.

1-3 days after STEP 02 is submitted: Wallace logs in submissions.

Comments and grade on STEP 02 Resources Report: Fri, Nov 23, 8PM

Comments and grade on STEP 03 Entirely Complete Essay: Tue, Dec 11, 8PM

1-3 days after STEP 03 is submitted: Wallace logs in submissions.

Anonymous Reader reports on STEP 04 Revised Complete Essay: Fri, Dec 14, 8PM

Within 24 hours after STEP 02 is submitted: Wallace logs in submissions.

Comments and grade on STEP 04 Revised Complete Essay: Sat, Dec 15, 8PM

  • I may or may not post bSpace grades on the Anonymous Reader reports before final grades are due to be submitted Monday, Dec 17. If you do not see them before, you should see them shortly afterwards.

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