Wicklin Border Terriers
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Helpful Links

The American Kennel Club

The Border Terrier Club of America

     Research Guide For Prospective Owners - which includes links to:

       FAQ about Border Terriers - be sure to visit this page if you are
       considering adding a BT to your family.

       The Border Terrier in Brief - this is also an excellent resource for
       those considering a BT.

       Grooming Guide - tidying your Border Terrier

The Border Terrier Club of the Redwoods
Regional Club located in Northern California.
MB-F Show Superintendent, and much more.
Pearson Stripping Knives
These are the only stripping knives that I use. All of my puppies
go home with a medium Regular Stripper.

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©2002 - 2012 Wicklin Border Terriers Jennifer H Julander
Santa Rosa, CA
Email: borderterriers@wicklin.com