These are mostly
PDF files, unless otherwise noted. File sizes are large, due to grayscale 200 dpi scans for most items, which are better for accurate schematic print-outs and zooming in to view assembly drawing sections, patch charts, etc. A few items are lower res scans that I have picked up from around the 'net over the years.
Simply clicking on the document links below should begin an automatic file download, probably to your default Downloads folder configured for your browser. Or you can always do the right-click>download-file-as option for other locations.
I've created a "Textbooks" section below for old EM texts in fear of being lost. Some textbooks will also appear within manufacturer docs if they are machine specific.
STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay Owners Manual (13.8 MB)
I authored and illustrated this manual, after working on delay line prototyping and PCB development with Dave. This was such a fun device to work on. And, if you have one, you know how fun it is to use. The manual had 6 pages of blank patch charts, but I just scanned one of the blank charts.
ARP 2600 Owners Manual (10.8 MB)
ARP 2600 Service Manual (8.4 MB)
ARP 2600 Patch Book (10.4 MB)
ARP 2600 Blank Patch Sheet (267 KB)ARP 3620 Keyboard Users Manual (3.7 MB)
ARP 3620 Keyboard Service Manual (2.1 MB)Both the Owners and Service manuals and field change bulletin for the venerable 2-note analog keyboard from ARP. Primarily seen and used with their 2600 systems. But a great live performance keyboard for use with ANY 1v/o system!
ARP Sequencer Owners Manual (20.9 MB)
There are many copies of the Sequencer service manual around the net. But, in all my years of searching, I've never seen the Users Manual. So ... Here ya' go! This is a good introductory text on general sequencing theory and tricks, too!
ARP Sequencer Patch Chart [Homebrew] (464 KB)
ARP had a sequencer patch chart, in pad form, when the sequencer was first released. I have excerpted sections of the user manual illustrations, and generated a clean 8.5" X 11" (landscape orientation) patch chart as a PDF file. There are areas for patch name, date, and extra notes. The "Externals" column is meant to list external equipment I/O, and allow drawing lines from the patch chart up to the external item in the list, if desired.
ARP Sequencer Patch Chart [Original] (852 KB)
Finally! I've located a decent clean copy of the original Sequencer patch chart! Many thanks go out to Mark Chaplin in PA for this excellent find! Here is the original, as implemented by the folks at ARP. I like the staff under the tuning pots! Nice touch!
ARPeggio Newsletters
Many thanks to Rob Williams for this great collection!
Anyone have any more?
Volume 3 No. 1 - April 1974 - 6 pages - PDF (1.4 MB)
Volume 4 No. 1 - February 1975 - 6 pages - PDF (1.3 MB)
Volume 4 No. 2 - June 1975 - 8 pages - PDF (4.7 MB)
Volume 4 No. 3 - December 1975 - 8 pages - PDF (3.9 MB)
Volume 5 No. 1 - May 1976 - 8 pages - PDF (18.3 MB)
Volume 5 No. 2 - October 1976 - 12 pages - PDF (36 MB)
Volume 6 No. 1 - April 1977 - 8 pages - PDF (26.3 MB)
Volume 6 No. 2 - August 1977 - 8 pages - PDF (1.9 MB)
Volume 7 No. 1 - June 1979 - 12 pages - PDF (23.5 MB) - I will stitch these scans and repair this issue, but it's readable and usable for now
Volume 8 No. 1 - June 1980 - 8 pages - PDF (3.7 MB)Performing On The Arp Odyssey Synthesizer - 1973 - 36 pages - PDF (35.8 MB)
A great Odyssey patch chart book by Roger Powell that demonstrates imitative synthesis - synthesizing traditional instrument sounds. Was used in conjunction with a demo recording that walked through the lesson and demonstrated all the patches. Here is an MP3 of the demonstration recording (MP3 - 9.5 MB)
Learning Music With Synthesizers -1974 - 114 pgs in PDF / 213 pgs in book- PDF (36 MB)
An ARP-authored textbook, written by David Friend, Alan R. Pearlman, and Thomas Piggot in 1974. Contains everything from sound theory to patch charts to studio design to tape editing.
Rhapsody 490 Schematics (33.6 MB)
EML 101 Owners Manual (11 MB)
EML 101 Service Manual (3.1 MB)
EML 101 Original hand-drawn schematics (1.5 MB)
EML 101 Schematic re-draw project (752 KB)
String Symphonizer Service Manual (4.1 MB)
BPM-to-Delay Time chart (12 KB)
952 Two-Voice Keyboard schematic (GIF, 164 KB)
TVS Two-Voice Keyboard schematic (GIF, 90 KB)
1500 Phlanger manual (17.5 MB)
1550 Stringz 'n' Thingz Users Manual - Testing, calibration, and operations sections only (16.6 MB)
1550 Stringz 'n' Thingz Illustrations Supplement - Circuit board parts placements, case explosions, etc. (12.2 MB)
1551 Stringz 'n' Thingz Stereo Option Users Manual - full manual (16.9 MB)
1550 Overview article reprinted from Polyphony V3-3 (4.6 MB)1750 Pygmy Amplifier Users Manual (6.9 MB)
2720-5 Control Oscillator / Noise Source manual (6.2 MB)
2720-8 Keyboard manual (13.6 MB)
2720-8 Illustrations Supplement (5.7 MB)
2720-9 Glide manual (5.9 MB)
2720-11 Envelope Follower manual (14 MB)3740 Gnome Interfacing - a Polyphony multi-article reprint (3.6 MB)
3740 patches - Gnome Man's Land, reprinted from The Source, Chapter 5 (6.4 MB)3750 Programmable Drum Set - full manual (21.7 MB)
3750 Programmable Drum Set - Programming Patterns, reprinted from The Source, Chapter 6 (904 KB)3790 EGG manual (10.5 MB)
3790 circuit board layout - a 200 dpi scan of the bottom of a 3790 (JPEG, 350 KB) .. or here as a PDF file4710 Balanced Modulator manual (1 MB)
4730 Multi Modal VCF manual (30.2 MB)
4740 ADSR Envelope Generator manual (16.3 MB)
4762 / 4782 Road Keyboard manual (19.7 MB)
4771 Power Supply manual (13.4 MB)
Using the 4700 Synthesizer - Part 1 (general synthesis theory) (11 MB)
Using the 4700 Synthesizer - Part 2 (Paia specific product info) (11.3 MB)4783 Joystick manual - Testing, calibration, and operations sections only (2.4 MB)
4783 Applications article reprinted from Polyphony V3-3 (5.1 MB)8782 Digital Keyboard - Assembly Manual (1.4 MB) (low res B/W scan) Thanks to TonyB
8782 Digital Keyboard - Illustrations Supplement (413 KB) (low res B/W scan) Thanks to TonyB
8785 Linear D/A Converter - Lab Notes reprint (290 KB)
Friendly Stories About Computers & Synthesizers book (7.7 MB) (low res B/W scan) Thanks to TonyB
Friendly Stories About Computers & Synthesizers supplement (2 MB) (low res B/W scan) Thanks to TonyB1978 Catalog (9 MB)
1980 Catalog (5.2 MB) Thanks to Bob Grieb !
1995 Catalog (11 MB)
2004 Catalog (1 MB)Demo 1 booklet (5.3 MB)
Demo 2 booklet (5.2 MB)
Demo 3 booklet (7.6 MB)
Demo 3 booklet with alternate cover graphics (7.7 MB)
Demo 4 booklet (5 MB)
Demo Cassette booklet (combines all the above demo line pamphlets, plus more) (17.8 MB)
Seasons Greetings demo booklet (4.4 MB)EK-3 Digitally Scanned Keyboard reprint (5.1 MB)
EK-9 Shepard Function Generator reprint (475 KB)Paia Mic Preamp Mods - Tape Op reprint - (32 KB)
Coming soon ??? - 6780 manual, 1974 Catalog ...
Polyphony Publishing
Polyphony Vol. 1 - Vol. 2 Index - (1.1 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 1, Iss. 1 - 1975, 20 pgs. (12 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 2, Iss. 1 - 1976, 24 pgs. (21.6 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 2, Iss. 2 - 1976, 32 pgs. (20.9 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 2, Iss. 3 - 1976, 44 pgs. (32.3 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 2, Iss. 4 - Part 1 - 1976, 15 pgs. (25.9 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 2, Iss. 4 - Part 2 - 1976, 17 pgs., 32 pgs. issue total (19.6 MB)Polyphony Vol. 3 Index - (1 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 3, Iss. 1 - Part 1 - July 1977, 14 pgs. (29.6 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 3, Iss. 1 - Part 2 - July 1977, 18 pgs., 32 pgs. issue total (35.5 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 3, Iss. 2 - Part 1 - November 1977, 15 pgs. (19.5 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 3, Iss. 2 - Part 2 - November 1977, 17 pgs., 32 pgs. issue total (17.2 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 3, Iss. 3 - Part 1 - February 1978, 17 pgs. (35.2 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 3, Iss. 3 - Part 2 - February 1978, 19 pgs., 36 pgs. issue total (26.7 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 3, Iss. 4 - Part 1 - April/May 1978, 18 pgs. (23.9 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 3, Iss. 4 - Part 2 - April/May 1978, 22 pgs., 40 pgs. issue total (30.1 MB)Polyphony Vol. 4 Index - (1.3 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 4, Iss. 1 - Part 1 - July/August 1978, 19 pgs. (29 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 4, Iss. 1 - Part 2 - July/August 1978, 17 pgs., 36 pgs. issue total (25.5 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 4, Iss. 2 - Part 1 - September/October 1978, 25 pgs. (29.6 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 4, Iss. 2 - Part 2 - September/October 1978, 19 pgs., 44 pgs. issue total (24.3 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 4, Iss. 3 - Part 1 - November/December 1978, 25 pgs. (28.9 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 4, Iss. 3 - Part 2 - November/December 1978, 19 pgs., 44 pgs. issue total (29.4 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 4, Iss. 4 - Part 1 - January-March 1979, 17 pgs. (26.2 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 4, Iss. 4 - Part 2 - January-March 1979, 23 pgs., 40 pgs. issue total (26.7 MB)Polyphony Vol. 5 Index - (2.4 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 1 - Part 1 - May/June 1979, 25 pgs. (30.3 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 1 - Part 2 - May/June 1979, 19 pgs., 44 pgs. issue total (27.1 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 2 - Part 1 - July/August 1979, 23 pgs. (42.9 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 2 - Part 2 - July/August 1979, 17 pgs., 40 pgs. issue total (37.3 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 3 - Part 1 - September/October 1979, xx pgs. (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 3 - Part 2 - September/October 1979, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 4 - Part 1 - November/December 1979, xx pgs. (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 4 - Part 2 - November/December 1979, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 5 - Part 1 - January/February 1980, xx pgs. (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 5 - Part 2 - January/February 1980, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 6 - Part 1 - March/April 1980, xx pgs. (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 5, Iss. 6 - Part 2 - March/April 1980, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)Polyphony Vol. 6 Index - (2.5 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 6, Iss. 1 - May/June 1980, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 6, Iss. 2 - July/August 1980, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 6, Iss. 3 - November/December 1980, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 6, Iss. 4 - January/February 1981, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 6, Iss. 5 - March/April 1981, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 6, Iss. 6 - May/June 1981, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)Polyphony Vol. 7 Index - (2.3 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 7, Iss. 1 - July/August 1981, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 7, Iss. 2 - September/October 1981, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 7, Iss. 3 - November/December 1981, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 7, Iss. 4 - Part 1- January/February 1982, 17 pgs. (40.7 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 7, Iss. 4 - Part 2 - January/February 1982, 19 pgs., 36 pgs. issue total (47.3 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 7, Iss. 5 - March/April 1982, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 7, Iss. 6 - May-August 1982, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)Polyphony Vol. 8 Index - (1.6 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 8, Iss. 1 - September/October 1982, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 8, Iss. 2 - February 1983, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 8, Iss. 3 - April 1983, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 8, Iss. 4 - June 1983, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 8, Iss. 5 - August 1983, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 8, Iss. 6 - October 1983, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)Polyphony Vol. 9 Index - never appeared in Iss. 6, or in any later issues. So, guess they never did one. Maybe I can build one.
Polyphony - Vol. 9, Iss. 1 - December 1983, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 9, Iss. 2 - February 1984, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 9, Iss. 3 - April 1984, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 9, Iss. 4 - June 1984, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 9, Iss. 5 - August 1984, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 9, Iss. 6 - October 1984, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)Polyphony Vol. 10 Index - never appeared in Iss. 2, or in EM 1 or 2. So, guess they never did one. Maybe I can build one.
Polyphony - Vol. 10, Iss. 1 - December 1984, 44 pgs. (19.2 MB)
Polyphony - Vol. 10, Iss. 2 - April 1985, 44 pgs. (19.5 MB)Electronic Musician - Vol. 1, Iss. 1 - Spring 1985, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)
Electronic Musician - Vol. 1, Iss. 2 - Fall 1985, xx pgs. issue total (xx MB)The Source: Book of Patching and Programming, ISBN 0-933338-00-7, 1978
Index - [excerpt from Part 6] (736K)
Part 1 - Front material, Intro, Symbology chapter (8.1 MB)
Part 2 - Tonal Patches chapter (6.9 MB)
Part 3 - Atonal and Effects Patches chapter (xx MB)
Part 4 - Technique chapter (xx MB)
Part 5 - Gnome Man's Land - Gnome Patches (6.4 MB) - Great stand-alone doc for the Gnome owner!
Part 6 - 8700 Software, 3750 Programs, Index (11.4 MB)Source excerpts and reprints - stand-alone subsections that may be of interest to specific users -
3750 Drum Programs, by Craig Anderton [from Part 6] (904K)
Gnome Man's Land [Chapter 5] (6.4 MB)
Pratt Read
1970's Pratt Read keyboard brochure (7.8 MB)
Now here's a blast from the past ... photos, physical specs, ordering info, trivia. 4 pages. Those were the days.
System 100M Service Manual (11.7 MB)
System 100M-184 Service Notes (1.6 MB)A nice set of docs on Roland's venerable modular system.
Star Instruments
Synare 3 Service Manual (2.1 MB)
SWR Engineering
SWR Triad Crossover schematic (412 KB )
Synthesis Technology
MOTM-510 WaveWarper related docs ...
Analog Devices AD538 Data Sheet (168 KB)
Analog Devices AD538 Ap Note # 213 (396 KB)
Analog Devices AD538 Ap Note # 304 (564 KB)
FM Theory and Applications, By Musicians for Musicians; by John Chowning and David Bristow, 1986 - PDF (18 MB)
A book published by Yamaha for DX, SY, and TG owners that covers a lot of deep FM theory, from the man who invented it. But lots of diagrams and charts that help boil it all down for musicians. This is a theory book, and doesn't contain patches or voice programming data. But plenty specific to be able to design FM voices in the FM synth of your choice based on the tutorials presented here.
Learning Music With Synthesizers -1974 - 114 pgs in PDF / 213 pgs in book- PDF (36 MB)
An ARP-authored textbook, written by David Friend, Alan R. Pearlman, and Thomas Piggot in 1974. Contains everything from sound theory to patch charts to studio design to tape editing.
Performing On The Arp Odyssey Synthesizer - 1973 - 36 pages - PDF (35.8 MB)
A great Odyssey patch chart book by Roger Powell that demonstrates imitative synthesis - synthesizing traditional instrument sounds. Was used in conjunction with a demo recording that walked through the lesson and demonstrated all the patches. Here is an MP3 of the demonstration recording (MP3 - 9.5 MB)
IC Guide Book - pinouts and references for Yamaha custom music ICs - PDF (9 MB)
FM Theory and Applications, By Musicians for Musicians; by John Chowning and David Bristow, 1986 - PDF (18 MB)
A book published by Yamaha for DX, SY, and TG owners that covers a lot of deep FM theory, from the man who invented it. But lots of diagrams and charts that help boil it all down for musicians. This is a theory book, and doesn't contain patches or voice programming data. But plenty specific to be able to design FM voices in the FM synth of your choice based on the tutorials presented here.
Thanks for looking. Let me know what manuals you are looking for, and I will try to help locate them and get them posted here.
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updated 2/12/16