The Summer Celebration of Life
The Annual Joydancer Gathering in Northern California to Celebrate Love, Life, and all things sacred.

Saturday morning began with Allan's introduction and huge hug of gratitude from his beloved apprentice that introduced him.

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The second agreement Allan invited us to examine and break was
"We are responsible for other people's emotional reactions to our reality"

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At lunch on Saturday we were able to get to know each other, and to share our viewpoints on the teachings of the morning. The food at Walker Creek Ranch is delicious, much of it coming from their own organic gardens.
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Allan set the intent for the weekend by describing two major agreements about love that he invited us to break. The first was "Love is a commodity that lives outside of us, and we have to be good and get it right in order to earn our share of that commodity."
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Throughout the day, Melissa and Hal shared their love through their music.

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Having prepared ourselves all day to release our old agreements about love as a commodity we bargain for, we now have the opportunity to offer those agreements to Grandfather Fire, and release them forever. We dance and drum our intent into the fire, and follow with music and
(of course) S/mores.'mores
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After lunch on Saturday we broke into groups for discussions and ceremonies. Here, Hall and Gail lead a group to share the richness of romantic relationships based on the new agreements about Love Allan offered us in his morning talk.
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During the weekend we celebrated our gratitude for Allan's teacher, don Miguel Ruiz ( it was his birthday ) His love is always present in Allan and in us whenever we meet together.
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Allan is now the author of important chapters in two anthologies: "The Impotent Hero —Healing the Wounded Masculine, in The Heart of Healing", and "The Perfect Dream", In Healing the Heart of the World.
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We continued our celebration Saturday afternoon with a lovely Sufi-style dance and heart opening ritual.