Ruiz brought his Toltec practice to us from Mexico
many years ago. Miguels love, wisdom, and great patience
along with his several books have changed the
lives of countless people, certainly including the teachers
below. Go here to Allans pages
In Gratitude and Honor of don Miguel (with many photos). |
Luis Ruiz is the son of Miguel Ruiz, and grew
up in an incredible world of magic and long lineage of family
tradition. His father, Miguel, and his grandmother Sarita,
pushed José into experiencing the deep truths in the
silent knowledge. When José rebelled, he lost his eyesight.
His surrender to the truth of his blindness guided him to
his awakening, and his vision returned. José now teaches
the Toltec tradition and leads power journeys throughout the
world, with an intense passion for the Truth. “Unconditional
love for life equals Freedom!” |
Hardman continues
the Toltec tradition of Miguel Ruiz with his monthly Joydancer
Wisdom Intensives, personal apprenticeships, “Journeys
of the Spirit” to Teotihuacán and Peru/Machu
Picchu, and his Toltec
Apprentice Community Online -- affectionately
known as "TACO." Allan’s
engaging wit and strong intent combine to carry his healing
message of Life and Love to countless seekers throughout the
world. His extensive Joydancer.com web site also includes
a “Notebook” of writings, an Events Calendar,
a Photo Album, and a sign-up for Allan’s “Joydancer
(Not-So-Daily) Thought for the Day.” The Joydancer
Online Store features masks, altar items, Latin American
artifacts, jewelry, and medicine bags selected by Allan on
his journeys, along with inspirational books and CD’s.
Emrys teaches the monthly
Intensives in Las Vegas, NV., and supports seekers through
her web pages. Barbara’s life-long quest to know herself
led her many years ago to experience the healing of don Miguel’s
profound love and wisdom. She has become an incredibly clear
and insightful teacher-- both disarmingly gentle and lovingly
fierce. Barbara guides the powerful Dreaming program developed
by don Miguel. |
Gentry, La Doña is a Nagual Woman in
the lineage of Miguel Ruiz. She is a powerful teacher, who
combines her sharp insight with a delightful sense of the
humor. She is founder and guardian of The Garden of
the Goddess, an enchanted learning center in the desert
outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. From Ginis web site:
When in doubt, ask--"what would love do here--"
then do it. |
Rivera is another of the powerful Nagual Women in
don Miguels lineage. By combining the Toltec teachings
with a deep understanding of the importance of bringing the
emotional body into balanced harmony, Rita brings a unique
vision to this work. She travels extensively, and maintains
a private healing practice in San Diego, California. |
Fox brings another unique perspective to the teachings
on the Toltec Path. With a background in business and coaching,
Ed guides his students and apprentices to greater satisfaction
and happiness in both their personal and their professional
lives. He is a straightforward teacher, with sharp and valuable
insights. He maintains a private coaching practice in Los
Angeles, California, and teaches throughout the USA and in
Mexico. |
Raess is a wise and sensitive healer who has been studying
and teaching with don Miguel for many years. She supports
groups and apprentices locally in Los Angeles, and on journeys
to sacred sites such as Teotihuacán in Mexico.
Phone: 310-475-1293
Email: raessdesign@earthlink.net |
Van Warmerdam combines the wisdom of the Toltec path
with his experience in business management and as a Naval
Officer. He enjoys the humor of our human condition without
judgements or emotional reaction, and shares this perspective
in his teaching. |
Ash is a gifted teacher of the Toltec Path with a
strong background in earth rituals and ceremonies, in addition
to being a long-time apprentice of don Miguel. She has co-founded
the Toltec Center for Creative Intent, in Berkeley, California,
which supports a local Toltec community and apprenticeship
program, as well as firewalks, workshops, and travel to sacred
sites internationally. Heather is the author of The
Four Elements of Change, which is available through
her web site. |
Rosenthal comes to this teaching via a career as a
Doctor of Podiatry. She combines the pragmatic approach and
dedication of her healing profession with her delightful wit
and a deep understanding of the Toltec principles. The result
is a teacher with a commitment and love for her students and
apprentices that offers them the opportunity for complete
transformation. Sheri is the author of "The Complete
Idiot's Guide to Toltec Wisdom." She lives and teaches
in Florida. |
Morgan is a dynamic Toltec teacher filled with love
and fun-- with an extensive background in Native American
song traditions and wilderness awareness skills. Brandt has
created the Vision Walk meditation practice, which
is available on CD in The
Joydancer Store, and will soon be published as a book.
Brandt teaches and travels from Southern California. |
Simon is an artist of her spirit. Her lifelong spiritual
journey has led her to study with some of the most wise, respected,
and visionary gurus, swamis, shamans, yogis, and spiritual
leaders in the world, from Billy Porter to Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
to don Miguel Ruiz. As a shaman and spiritual guide, Barbara
creates a world of enlightenment for people looking to transform
their lives. Barbara is the creator of "ToltecWear,"
an active clothing collection with beautiful ancient images
designed to spread the Toltec message of Love. ToltecWear
is available through her online
store. |
Miller is a wonderfully warm teacher, with a long
history in the Toltec teachings. She is an expert on the sleeping
dream, and will help you to use and integrate the unique images
of those dreams to transform your waking life. She will also
explore with you how changing your outer environment will
effect your inner world. |
Lord has a full range of offerings on her web site
--apprenticeship trainings, personal healing sessions, a Teacher
Training program, power journeys, her book (Choosing
Freedom: Tools of Transformation with its two CDs),
and of course much more. She is a gifted and experienced teacher
of the Toltec Path, and teaches from Massachusetts. |
Caffery has not only trained with don Miguel,
but also holds a Masters Degree in Natural Health. She
is dedicated to helping her students explore and heal the
relationship between their minds and their bodies, and learn
to know the body as an Ally. Working with Maggie, you will
learn to listen to your body, and respond positively to its
messages -- as well as learn practical and healthy ways to
nurture and care for your body. Connect the physical with
the spiritual. Maggie lives and teaches in Santa Rosa, California.
Email: cafferym@yahoo.com |
Dodd is a dynamic and articulate teacher of this Toltec
path providing guidance, programs and products designed to
help you re-create any belief that stands in your way. He
says, "If you want to change your life - RIGHT NOW
- there is nothing more powerful than changing what you believe."
Ray has integrated his long experience as a business executive
and professional coach into his work with students and apprentices.
His book The Power of Belief, is available
for sale in bookstores, Amazon.com, and on his web site. |
Gregg met don Miguel in the early 1980s, and
got to know his teachings then. She has been sharing her love
and wisdom, and creating books and tapes about the Toltec
tradition, for many years from her home in Hawaii. |
Dibble has taken the principles learned during his
long apprenticeship with Miguel Ruiz to the business community
that he knows well. The combination has birthed his book,
The New Agreements in the Workplace, and
the New Agreements Center for Enlightened Leadership.
The Center offers leadership training based on the latest
business and spiritual thinking an important contribution
to the world of business. David is based in San Diego, California. |
Thompson is a delightful psychotherapist and teacher
of the Toltec wisdom who guides her clients and apprentices
into seeing themselves clearly, and empowers them to transform
perfectly according to their own needs. She lives and teaches
in Sacramento, California. |
Jean is another long time apprentice of don Miguel.
Teaching from the wisdom of the heart, her gentle yet ruthless
approach is simple, practical and powerful. She has a beautiful
way of guiding seekers to accelerate their personal journeys
by realigning their relationship to their emotions. Her special
focus is on journeys for women, and she also offers mentorship
programs and workshops for both men and women including a
series she developed for parents and teachers. |
Orietas and Leo Van Warmerdam have partnered to create
The Dreaming Mind to support those whose
journey takes them deeper into The Four Agreements.
They live and teach in the Los Angeles area, and have extensive
experience with the Toltec path in their own lives. They each
offer their own unique approach to the transformation that
is available through this work. |
McChesney Gilroy and Jamie Gilroy are devoted to helping
you Find Your True Love Now! in a perfect romance
with yourself and another. They bring techniques and passion
for a Life filled with love from their own marriage and the
Toltec path and offer them to others through private
appointments, seminars, and journeys. Perhaps it is time to
remember to play with your beloved. Meghan and Jamie live
and teach in Massachusetts.
Phone: 781-639-4868
Email: info@findyourtruelovenow.com |
also teaches from Orange County, and nationwide. She is the
goddess of sensuality and love, and shares her joy of life
with her students and apprentices.
Phone: 714-730-5979
Email: NKDBLSS@aol.com |
and Dennis Carruth teach the Toltec path locally in Orange
County, California, as well as on journeys to Teotihuacán,
Mexico. For more information about their particular focus,
call or write to them.
Phone: 949-499-0677
Email: LinaLaughingStar@cox.net |
Diamond is a teacher with a multitude of skills and
experience to enhance her Toltec guidance. She includes energy
healing and Reiki, hypnotherapy, shamanic counseling, journeys,
and even Jewelry by Dragonfly.
Soltis in close apprenticeship with don Miguel Ruiz,
discovered she was artistic and clairsentient at an early
age, and has continued to share her vision, creativity, clarity,
and healing through her transformative teachings and ceremonies.
Cheryl offers years of experience to local and long distance
apprenticeships, through lectures, classes and workshops on
many facets of the Toltec path. Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
she teaches in the surrounding areas.
Tan shares her love and wisdom in Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada. She supports groups and individuals
there on this Toltec path to personal freedom.
Phone: 604-734-9876
Email: toltecdreamer@telus.net |
Toone enhances her Toltec teaching with her extensive
background in business. She lives and teaches in San Diego,
Phone: 619-247-7625
Email: Carol@carolstoone.com |
Gold apprenticed with Allan Hardman and continued
on to the Dreaming Intensive with don Miguel. She especially
loves the energetic practices such as Recapitulation breathing.
She is an accomplished energy healer with an enthusiasm for
community building. These joint interests have led her to
create a drop-in Healing Clinic, where healers get together
to share their gifts with everyone who needs them. Jasmine
lives, teaches, and shares her knowledge in the Northern Bay
Area town of Cotati. |