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Build A Better You Resources

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Shrink Rap Free personal growth and development newsletter. Feature articles, Q&A column, titillating tidbits, and more to help Build A Better You.
Dealing with Abuse 12 Steps for Dealing with Abuse. Invaluable for those in physically and/or emotionally abusive relationships.
Emotional Maturity

Are you growing up, or just getting older? What's the definition of emotional maturity, and how do you get it? Find out here.

Living With A Loser? There's nothing quite so frustrating then to watch someone you love act self-destructively. Here's what to do.
Dealing With Stress How to know if you're facing burn-out. Who handles stress better - men or women? What are the basics of coping effectively? Find out here.
Can You Handle This? Is your success in romantic relationships hindered because you're a Jerk, or a Bimbo, and don't know it? Are you in a dysfunctional relationship? Summon up your courage and take these self-scoring tests.

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© Copyright 1997 Dr. Jerome Murray. All rights reserved
Last modified on January 27, 2003