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Get Training in Life Skills to be the Best You Possible. 

Would you be a Better You if you had higher self-esteem?

Would you be a Better You if you could communicate more effectively?

Would you be a Better You if you knew how to make a relationship successful?

Would you be a Better You if you knew how to handle the stresses in your life?

Would you get promotions and raises if you could manage and lead more effectively?

Many people want to improve their life, but do not know how to do it.  They do not need therapy, they need skills. Dr. Murray  specializes in Success Coaching for Life and Career.  The best athletic teams have the best coaches. Let Dr. Murray coach you in how to be successful.  You can consult with him personally by email to get the skills and knowledge you need to overcome the obstacles to the development of your potential.

You can get help in these crucial life skills


Dr. Murray has been presented with an award by the California State Senate for his work in the field of self-esteem. Based on his research and publications you will receive systematic, step by step training to build your self-esteem. The training includes a self-esteem test and related training materials written by Dr. Murray.  His video on building self-esteem, Loving Yourself to Success,  is also available as part of the coaching.


The only person recognized by the California Supreme Court as an expert in communication, Dr. Murray has been called "the expert on words in the United States." This training is another step by step program including written materials to study.  Dr. Murray's book on communication "The CARE Book" (Communication And Relationship Enrichment)  is included in this coaching.


This training teaches you how to deal with relationship issues.  For partner relationships you will learn conflict resolution, communication techniques, intimacy building, and how to supercharge your sex life.  Available options include Dr. Murray's book on marriage, "Murray On Marriage",  and his video "Loving Me - Loving You."


This training teaches you the most effective motivation and discipline techniques.  You will learn how to build self-esteem in your children, deal with power struggles, promote academic success, and more. You will have reference notes to study and consultation to help you implement the techniques you learn. The coaching includes Dr. Murray's audiotape set "Love and Limits: a guide to your child's self-esteem." 


You will learn about stress from a leading expert.  You will learn the difference between positive stress and negative stress. You will learn about the danger of feeling isolated and impotent and how to deal with it. Plus you will receive specific, personalized instructions to deal with your stress.  An available option is Dr. Murray's book on stress, "From Uptight to All Right."


The focus of this training is learning how to manage and lead effectively. You will learn how to become a magnetic leader, motivate your subordinates, create an effective team, and coach them to greater productivity.  A comprehensive workbook helps you assimilate the information and provides skill training.   Extensive training with written materials, tests, and personalized consultation characterizes this training. Learn how to get ahead in business by becoming an expert at managing and motivating people.


Ask any question you have about anxieties, fears, emotional distress,  relationship problems, stress, etc.. Get ongoing help on those problems that are keeping you from successful living.  You will get specific advice and follow-up encouragement and help with following the advice.

Look at all the advantages to this life-changing program

1. You don't have to leave home to get help.  In the privacy and convenience of your own home you can get  the help you need to change your life.

2. You can control the amount of time spent on your help and the frequency of your help. You set the schedule.

3. It is completely confidential!

4. You get specific, usable information from day one.

5. You have written information about your issues that is specific to you.  You don't have to worry about remembering what you heard. You can review it frequently in written form and increase your benefit.

Want to learn more?

To learn more just contact me and tell me what you want. I will explain how the coaching works and you can decide which program you want.  Just click on "I want help" and get started being a Better You.


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© Copyright 1997 Dr. Jerome Murray. All rights reserved

Last modified on Friday, January 16, 2004