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The Success Program

Jerome Murray, Ph.D.

What is the difference between winners and losers?

You’ve seen it happen. One person climbs the corporate ladder with amazing rapidity. Another equally talented person wallows in mediocrity. Then there’s the paradox of the individual who seems to have it all - money. looks, talent - but he’s discontented and unhappy. While another, with far less, bubbles with the joy of life!

What makes the difference?

It’s not parents., education, or physical and mental abilities. It’s mental programming. The successful person has learned to push the right buttons on his personal computer - his mind.

You too can program yourself for success with this audiotape cassette program. It is a complete personality development course consisting of lectures and exercises to build your self-esteem, master those problem emotions, learn to thrive on stress, discover the power of values and meaning, install a positive mental attitude, self-hypnosis exercises to re-program your thinking, and much more.

The Success Program is over eight hours
of inspiration-packed knowledge to
Build A Better You.
Smiling face

It would cost $$$THOUSANDS$$$ of dollars in psychotherapy
to get similar information.
(and it wouldn't be the same because it wouldn't be as good <blush>)

Now, it's yours for only $US59.95.

I want to order The Success Program today!

(Remember, there's a 30 day money back guarantee!)

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Copyright © 1997. Dr. Jerome Murray. All rights reserved

Last modified on Monday, March 20, 2006