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What People Are Saying


Dr. Jerome Murray

A Barker

"You were a tremendous hit at the Australian Bar Convention. My husband and I were as enthusiastic as the Aussies. We only regret that we were unable to attend all of your presentations."
Sandra Day O'Connor, Associate Justice
United States Supreme Court

"Perfect, perfect, you were absolutely outstanding the entire week...you will be a very, very frequent guest."
Erik Preminger, Producer
"Good Morning Bay Area" ABC-TV
San Francisco, California

"What an absolute sensation you were...the whole town was buzzing about you...such a success...come again...Melbourne will roll out the red carpet...wonderful to be involved with someone who gave 100% all the way...you were the `icing on the cake' at our convention...."
Bernard Teague, Convention Chairman
23rd Australian Legal Convention

"Dr. Jerome Murray,...the eminent American psychologist and wit...(had)...delegates bubbling over with enthusiasm...all his sessions have been to capacity houses...inundated with requests to return...."
Destinations in Law
23rd Australian Legal Convention

"My wife and I greatly enjoyed your presentation...a splendid blend of good humour and sound sense."
The Honorable Sir Denys Roberts
Chief Justice, Hong Kong Courts of Justice

"That was simply wonderful...you're welcome back here any time."
Lawrence Welk
T.V. Personality

"Quite good, quite good...I agreed with everything you said."
Karl Menninger, MD.
The Menninger Foundation

"We would like to thank the dynamic Dr. Jerome Murray...the renowned psychologist from California...simply excellent presentations...."
Jack Agrios, Q.C., Convention Chairman
68th Annual Canadian Bar Association Convention

"Dr. Jerome Murray, probably the most popular speaker at the Australian Legal Convention in Melbourne...hilarious and informative...considerable legal consultative expertise...your contribution was a very important part of the overall success...we were particularly fortunate to have you..."
Austin Forbes, Convention Chairman
New Zealand Law Conference

"...as before, you kept the audience entertained, then hit them with inspiration."
Marilyn Holdenried, Convention Chairperson
California Women for Agriculture

"Our National Convention was a great success...due in a large part to your participation...your seminars...hit an incredible 94% good to excellent...you did an excellent job!"
Kenneth C. Phillips
Co-Chairman National Convention
Red Carpet Corporation of America

"You can accept all those praises for your excellent presentation...you were right on target in delivering one of the best talks we have had...."
John J. Hunnewell, CAE, Executive Director
The International Institute of Municipal Clerks

"...excellent presentation...the almost 1200 persons...were extremely moved, inspired, and motivated by your words!"
Jennie Fulasz, CMC
The City of Chula Vista

"...your diverse topics, first-hand expertise..., and your engrossing style of presentation without question tops all the others by a wide margin!"
Doug Eastwood, Training Coordinator
Shell Chemical Company

"...one of the best presentations I have ever attended...A dynamic and inspiring speaker."
Dorothy L. Ferguson, Vice President
International Training in Communication

"Thanks a million for a brilliant seminar for which I am still receiving compliments."
Joe Herst, President
Western National Realtors

"Dr. Murray has the unique ability to take the complex, scientifically based body of knowledge about counseling and interpersonal relationships and present them in an understandable and practical way. He has always received excellent evaluations."
Bill Higgins, Personnel Manager
Hewlett-Packard Company

"...your marvelous presentation...still receiving favorable comments...most of them declare it was `the best ever'... one of the most entertaining and beneficial evenings I have ever had."
Enide Allison, Vice President
San Jose Chamber of Commerce

"What a perfect program...so much value...I like the blend of facts, techniques, and humor...personally beneficial as well as job-related...super!"
Joy Mayeda, Director, Retraining Program
International Business Machines, Inc.

"Where have you been all my life...I was unbelievably heartened by your straightforward, clear, instructive, and inspirational seminar...one I shall never forget."
Robert L. Griffin, Owner
American Construction Company

"...the cassettes were absolutely terrific...you are one fantastic speaker...articulate, funny, but most importantly you say so much."
Nido Qubein, Past President
National Speakers Association.

"Thank you so very much...your style...is most effective and captivating...don't ever pass us by, Sacramento admires, adores, and wants to learn from you again."
Diane R. Ross, Sales Manager
Citation Homes

"...the recent University of Southern California classes...your skill as a teacher kept me ready, willing, and able to learn for the entire four hours...do you know how rare such instructors are?"
Dawn Hankins
Century 21 Pioneer Realty

"The more I listen to your tapes the more I idolize you. You've got to be one of the greats, right alongside of Russell Conwell and Earl Nightengale...."
Carol Rose, Professional Speaker
Santa Jose, California

"...A wonderful and exciting afternoon...absolutely fantastic...I bought the tapes and really haven't stopped listening to them...."
Linda Federer
MacElhenny, Levy & Company

"Thank you for your outstanding presentation...the feedback has been excellent...all have recommended that you be included in future retreats."
Patty Gantenbein, Coordinator
Retreat to a Healthy Heart
Heart Research Foundation of Sacramento

"You are well on your way to international fame!"
Sharon Parker, Owner
Century 21 Parker Associates

"...A wonderful, stimulating, and inspiring hour...."
Maria D. Matthews
School of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco

"TEN THOUSAND THANKS! Your remarkable performance is filled with a warmth for humanity that can only be described as love."
Mary Goodsell
Toastmasters International

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Copyright © 1997. Dr. Jerome Murray. All rights reserved

Last modified on Monday, January 27, 2003