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A Guide for Lawyers and Lovers


Jerome Murray, Ph.D.
Manor House Publishing
ISBN 0-942383-09-5

Choosing the wrong person can destine the failure of a relationship. Murray On Marriage is a book explaining why people select the mates they do, and why some people always pick the wrong one. It allows the reader to remove the rose-colored glasses of courtship and determine if the relationship they are in really has a chance.

"It's the book every mother wants her daughter to read --- and wishes she'd read herself." That comment is from a reviewer who was speaking from experience. This book could save you or your loved one's a lot of heartache.

Ever wonder why some people, who show good judgment in other areas, act stupidly in relationships? Murray On Marriage will clearly explain why these mismatched mates invariably pick each other. If you're already a mismatched mate you'll learn clear and specific methods to avoid becoming a divorce statistic.

Murray On Marriage defines five types of relationship that are "divorces waiting to happen."

The "Me-Tarzan, You-Jane" Marriage
The "Role-Reversal" Marriage
The "Reclamation Project" Marriage
The "Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm" Marriage
The "Detached-Demanding" Marriage

An intriguing aspect of this book is the advice to lawyers. Just a few of the valuable insights for lawyers is discovering which clients sue their lawyers, which one's are likely to be violent, and how each client reacts in the drama of divorce. Lawyers dealing with divorce get a clinical description of these personalities and learn how to use the information to better protect their clients --- and themselves.

Mismatched Mates, Advice for Lawyers, Advice for Lovers, and Dr. Murray's Elixir and prescription for relationships: These four illuminating and information packed sections are, "chock full of what can only be called - wisdom about marriage"

Order Murray On Marriage now.

What Readers Are Saying ...

"...an excellent excursion into human relationships...more to counsel than people thinking of, or being married...good reading for doctor, lawyer, motorman, sportsman...indeed all of us."

Melvin Belli
World Famous Lawyer

"Sage advice from a sincere student of the human condition. New wisdom on an old topic. Indispensable, for those who contemplate marriage or divorce."

Eugene L. Hudson
Famed Lawyer

"Dr. Murray's unique approach to the problems of marriage...communicates excellent advice to both lovers and lawyers. This is a great handbook, very useful for creating almost perfect unions, and for saving those less perfect."

James Johnson
TV Broadcaster

"Brilliant! Speaks from intimate knowledge directly to the heart. The style is easily read and understood --- the information clearly stated. A real winner.

Betz Tyler
Realtor of the Year

If you're serious about having a successful relationship you must read this book!

Order it today for yourself or a loved one.
(for $12.95 you could save a lot of heartache)

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Copyright © 1997. Dr. Jerome Murray. All rights reserved

Last modified on Monday, January 27, 2003