Light Duty Vehicles - Cars, Vans, & Light Trucks
Passenger Cars & Trucks
Modern Diesels
In 1993, seven federal agencies and Americaís big three automakers
began a research and development program called the Partnership
for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV). The goal of the program
was to create family sedans that achieved three times the fuel efficiency
while maintaining performance, safety and comfort of similar vehicles.
In 2000 General Motors, Ford and DaimlerChrysler each unveiled PNGV
concept cars. Remarkably, all three vehicles were diesel-electric
hybrids. While Americaís big three did not initiate production of
their prototypes, the PNGV program showed that diesel-hybrid represents
the most efficient near-term vehicle technology available.
Diesel engines are about 30 percent more efficient than gasoline
engines. This means that a diesel engine of the same displacement
will produce about 30 percent more horsepower or give 30 percent
better fuel economy (or 30 percent less carbon dioxide emissions).
Todayís diesel engines are quieter, cleaner burning and more responsive
than earlier diesels. In Europe, where the cost of owning and operating
a passenger vehicle is significantly higher that the U.S., diesels
already account for more than 40 percent of the passenger car market.
In the U.S, stringent laws adopted by California and four northeast
states have slowed the introduction of diesel vehicles to the market.
However, increasing fuel prices, the introduction of ultra-low sulfur
diesel, and new emissions technology are making passenger diesel
vehicles more attractive to customers leading to more diesel option
offerings by auto manufacturers.
Biodiesel further enhances the advantages of diesel by reducing
vehicle emissions. B20 a 20 percent blend of biodiesel and conventional
diesel reduces emissions of hydrocarbons by 20 percent and carbon
monoxide and particulate emissions by 12 percent. It reduces sulfur
on average by 20 percent and is nontoxic and biodegradable. Biodiesel
is also a domestically produced, renewable resource that contributes
to the U.S. economy and independence from foreign oil.
Using Biodiesel
Biodiesel blends operate in diesel engines just like petroleum diesel.
B20 works in any diesel engine, usually with no modifications to
the engine or the fuel system. B20 also provides similar horsepower,
torque, and mileage as diesel.
Click here for a Biodiesel Performance fact sheet.
National Biodiesel Board
for sale in the USA
New diesel cars,
trucks and SUVs are currently unavailable for sale in California
due to emissions standards. On the other hand, used vehicles can
still be purchased. Used diesel vehicles with more than 7,500 miles
may be purchased in the state of California. Contact your local
dealer for more information. Many dealers will obtain a used diesel
vehicle for you upon request.
To see a listing
of diesel cars, vans and light trucks available in the USA, go to:
Light Duty Vehicles
Manufacturers are already working to roll out new clean diesel technologies
that will meet California's strict emissions standards. Mercedes-Benz
has vowed to introduce several 50-state compliant diesel vehicles
by 2008. The use of clean diesel fuel, such as Biodiesel and ultra-low
sulfur diesel (ULSD) will help advanced clean diesels meet these
standards now.
Read a Questions
& Answer Guide on the new light-duty tax incentives available
to consumers
Jeep -
Mercedes -
Mercedes Models -
Volkswagen -
VEHICLES FOR SALE (or try your local weekly):
Craig's List -
E-Bay Motors -
Volkswagen TDI Club Forum -
Yahoo Classifieds -
Available for sale Internationally
To see a listing of International Diesel Vehicles and Manufacturers:
go to: Light
Duty Vehicles - Available for sale Internationally
Diesel automobiles are extremely popular in Europe, and demand continues
to grow. In October 2004, 51.9% of all newly registered passenger
cars were equipped with a diesel engine. Approximately 41% are fueled
with Biodiesel or Biodiesel blends.
The following two sites are British. The cars they have available
are not the same as we have in the U.S, but they do into great detail
about engine types. Biodiesel can be put in ANY diesel engine-- new
or old. For details on precautions or suggestions on how to best use
biodiesel in your engine, please consult with a mechanic (we can suggest
several) or go follow our Links for more information.
site describes all diesel cars. Many, but not all, will become available
in the U.S in 2007
Use the U.S Environmental
protection Agency to choose the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicle
that meets your needs. Diesel cars can be found by searching "diesel"