Frequently Asked Questions - Menu Page
people have heard of "Biodiesel", "Biofuels", and even "Biomass",
yet there are still many questions as to what these terms really
mean. In this age of instant information gathering, myths become
intermixed with facts. Here you will find the answers to many
of those questions and the separating of myth from fact.
If you still have unanswered questions, please drop
us a line and we will do our best to answer them.
Myths & Facts
Is Biodiesel the same thing as raw vegetable
No! Biodiesel is produced from any fat or oil such as soybean
oil, through a refinery process called transesterification.
This process is a reaction of the oil with an alcohol to remove
the glycerin, which is a by-product of biodiesel production.
Fuel-grade biodiesel must be produced to strict industry specifications
(ASTM D6751) in order to insure proper performance. Biodiesel
is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health
effects testing requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments.
Biodiesel that meets ASTM D6751 and is legally registered with
the Environmental Protection Agency is a legal motor fuel for
sale and distribution. Raw vegetable oil cannot meet biodiesel
fuel specifications, it is not registered with the EPA, and
it is not a legal motor fuel.
For entities seeking to adopt a definition of biodiesel for
purposes such as federal or state statute, state or national
divisions of weights and measures, or for any other purpose,
the official definition consistent with other federal and state
laws and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) guidelines is
as follows:
Biodiesel is defined as mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty
acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats which conform
to ASTM D6751 specifications for use in diesel engines. Biodiesel
refers to the pure fuel before blending with diesel fuel. Biodiesel
blends are denoted as, "BXX" with "XX" representing the percentage
of biodiesel contained in the blend (ie: B20 is 20% biodiesel,
80% petroleum diesel).
Is biodiesel used as a pure fuel or is it blended with petroleum
diesel? Biodiesel can be used as a pure fuel or blended with
petroleum in any percentage. B20 (a blend of 20 percent by volume
biodiesel with 80 percent by volume petroleum diesel) has demonstrated
significant environmental benefits with a minimum increase in
cost for fleet operations and other consumers.
Is it approved for use in the US?
Biodiesel is registered as a fuel and fuel additive with the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and meets clean diesel
standards established by the California Air Resources Board
(CARB). Neat (100 percent) biodiesel has been designated as
an alternative fuel by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the
US Department of Transportation (DOT).
How much biodiesel has
been sold in the US?
The National Biodiesel Board has released
the following sales volume estimates for the US:
Copyright National Biodiesel Board - 2006
How do biodiesel emissions
compare to petroleum diesel?
Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed
the health effects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act.
The use of biodiesel in a conventional diesel engine results
in substantial reduction of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide,
and particulate matter compared to emissions from diesel fuel.
In addition, the exhaust emissions of sulfur oxides and sulfates
(major components of acid rain) from biodiesel are essentially
eliminated compared to diesel.
Of the major exhaust pollutants, both unburned hydrocarbons
and nitrogen oxides are ozone or smog forming precursors. The
use of biodiesel results in a substantial reduction of unburned
hydrocarbons. Emissions of nitrogen oxides are either slightly
reduced or slightly increased depending on the duty cycle of
the engine and testing methods used. Based on engine testing,
using the most stringent emissions testing protocols required
by EPA for certification of fuels or fuel additives in the US,
the overall ozone forming potential of the speciated hydrocarbon
emissions from biodiesel was nearly 50 percent less than that
measured for diesel fuel.
Can biodiesel help mitigate
ìglobal warmingî?
A 1998 biodiesel lifecycle study, jointly sponsored by the US
Department of Energy and the US Department of Agriculture, concluded
biodiesel reduces net CO› emissions by 78 percent compared to
petroleum diesel. This is due to biodieselís closed carbon cycle.
The CO› released into the atmosphere when biodiesel is burned
is recycled by growing plants, which are later processed into
fuel..Is biodiesel safer than petroleum diesel? Scientific research
confirms that biodiesel exhaust has a less harmful impact on
human health than petroleum diesel fuel. Biodiesel emissions
have decreased levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
and nitrited PAH compounds that have been identified as potential
cancer causing compounds. Test results indicate PAH compounds
were reduced by 75 to 85 percent, with the exception of benzo(a)anthracene,
which was reduced by roughly 50 percent. Targeted nPAH compounds
were also reduced dramatically with biodiesel fuel, with 2-nitrofluorene
and 1-nitropyrene reduced by 90 percent, and the rest of the
nPAH compounds reduced to only trace levels.
Does biodiesel cost more than
other alternative fuels?
When reviewing the high costs associated with other alternative
fuel systems, many fleet managers have determined biodiesel
is their least-cost-strategy to comply with state and federal
regulations. Use of biodiesel does not require major engine
modifications. That means operators keep their fleets, their
spare parts inventories, their refueling stations and their
skilled mechanics. The only thing that changes is air quality.
Do I need special storage facilities?
In general, the standard storage and handling procedures used
for petroleum diesel can be used for biodiesel. The fuel should
be stored in a clean, dry, dark environment. Acceptable storage
tank materials include aluminum, steel, fluorinated polyethylene,
fluorinated polypropylene and teflon. Copper, brass, lead, tin,
and zinc should be avoided.
Can I use biodiesel in my existing
diesel engine?
Biodiesel can be operated in any diesel engine with little or
no modification to the engine or the fuel system. Biodiesel
has a solvent effect that may release deposits accumulated on
tank walls and pipes from previous diesel fuel storage. The
release of deposits may clog filters initially and precautions
should be taken. Ensure that only fuel meeting the biodiesel
specification is used.
Where can I purchase biodiesel?
Biodiesel can be made available anywhere in the US. The National
Biodiesel Board (NBB) maintains a list of registered fuel marketers.
A current list is available on the biodiesel web site at www.biodiesel.org
or by calling the NBB at (800) 841-5849.
Who else can answer my questions
about biodiesel?
The NBB (National Biodiesel Board) maintains the largest library
of biodiesel information in the US. Information can be requested
by visiting the biodiesel web site at www.biodiesel.org, by
emailing the NBB at info@nbb.org, or by calling NBBís toll free
number (800) 841-5849.