Top / EA105 Summer 2012 / Session details



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✓ To be completed by class time

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Session 02: Course basics

Topics for this session

❖ Course basics, based on the web page (sidebar) titled "COURSE RULES ..."


This class is, at core, one that compares certain aspects of the cultures of China, Korea and Japan. We look at premodern values and how they persist, or not, in a specific context: modern films. Thus we are comparing values, yes, but we are also comparing the different ways traditional values are upheld, or not, in these cultures. However, to accomplish this, we also must talk about issues of interpretation so this class is also a course about carrying out independent, skillful analysis of difficult, ambiguous topics. The Course Basics is a web page that outlines the assumptions for this course, its goals, what we do to get there and so on. It is exceptionally easy to get off-track when the topic is as ill-defined as "love" and any successful analysis, and any successful completion of this course, requires vigilant discipline to keep on-topic and carry credible analysis.

We cover the basics in this session BUT since there is far more than can possibly be covered, I will ask at each step along the way whether there are questions on a specific point and, if not, will quickly move to the next point without comment.

Required—to be completed for today's session

✓ Look over carefully, preparing questions: EA105 Course Basics [onsite, HTML—see sidebar "COURSE RULES ..."] This is a lot of material. Budget your time wisely.

Texts, multimedia notes, links*

nothing yet ...


nothing yet ...

*THOUGHTS: Reading before class probably helps follow session content, reading afterwards might help consolidate notes, revisiting for tests is recommended. Content might be added before class or anytime up until about 24 hours ahead of a midterm.

*TEXTS, MULTIMEDIA NOTES, LINKS: If I have read from something, shown something or presented audio that is not elsewhere mentioned, I usually include that information here for the curious, sometime after the class (since I often make last-minute decisions about including something). It might take a while and sometimes I forget. You can email me.

*OTHER: When possible I note here names, places, and other details that I have mentioned in a lecture that would otherwise not be accessible in the assigned materials or easily located on your own. As with "TEXTS ..." this is usually sometime after class and, again, I might not be able to get around to doing it.

Summer 2012 links to regular academic year session pages

This summer I am simply stacking two regular year 50-minute sessions into one 110 minute summer session, mostly. Since there are more teaching minutes in the summer, there are some open, unschedule sessions. What we do for those times will be noted in the "Thoughts" section of the previous session page. So, for example, Sess07 will also have notes on it as to what we do for the second half of our class that day.

Course schedule / outline

Mon, May 21: Sess01, Sess02
Tues, May 22: Sess03
Wed, May 23: Sess04, Sess05
Thur, May 24: Sess06, Sess07
Mon, May 28: No class
Tues, May 29: Sess08, open
Wed, May 30: Sess09, Sess10
Thur, May 31: Sess11, Sess12
Mon, June 4: Sess13, Sess14
Tues, June 5: open, Sess15
Wed, June 6: Sess16, Sess17
Thur, June 7: Sess19, Sess20
Mon, June 11: Sess18, Sess21
Tues, June 12: Sess22, Sess23
Wed, June 13: Sess24, Sess25
Thur, June 14: Sess26, Sess27
Mon, June 18: Sess28, Sess29
Tues, June 19: Sess30, Sess31
Wed, June 20: Sess32, Sess33
Thur, June 21: Sess34, Sess35
Mon, June 25: Sess36, Sess37
Tues, June 26: Sess38, Sess39
Wed, June 27: open, Sess40
Thur, June 28: Free discussion, JES10 completion opportunity