FALL 2005 -2006
Home Work Support


for Barry Sovel's courses at Casa Grande High School, Petaluma, CA

Website last updated 18 January 2006

General Psychology

Fall 2005

Literacy Fall 2005
return to Homework Support page
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PSYCHOLOGY Spring Semester (return to top of page)

Myers, David G. Psychology . Worth Publishers, New York. 1997, [4th edition].

Alloway,T, Wilson, G. Graham, J. Sniffy the Virtual Rat, Thomson - Wadsworth Publishing: 2005. [ISBN:  0534633617]

Electronic Library
from school and home

user name: 43-15008

password: bigchalk


  • CLICK HERE to view today's assignment
  • Course outline
  • Classroom rules and procedures

25 Aug

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
    the 4 perspectives
    news reports
  3. True/False statements
  4. History of Psychology
    [if time]

29 Aug

What is Psychology?

Critical Thinking considerations

Review and practice Research Methods
Critical Thinking exc [p. 38]

31 Aug

News report prep
how to use and log on to eLibrary
Statistics Intro
M & M exercise

2 Sept.

Finish statistics intro

Begin Making An Experiment exercise

7 Sept

Review and return first News Reports

Introduce and review the rubric sheet for the Parable Experiment activity

Introduce Social Psychology with the Chapter 18 T/F questions

Due Friday: 9/9: the Parable Experiment activity

9 Sept.

Atribution theory and questionaire

Collect parable Experiment papers

13 Sept

Introduce Cognitive Dissonance and Hindsight Bias

Discuss Stereotypes and Prejudice

Sterotypes questionaire

reminder: News report #2 due Friday, 9/23

15 Sept.

Review" Attitude" questionaire results

Social Norms
Milgram 'Obey at any cost!" experiment

19 Sept

Review "Experiment" paper

Begin test review

Questionaire 'attraction'

Experimental Testing Ethics

21 Sept

Review for exam

reminder: News report #2 due Friday, 9/23

23 Sept.

Social Psychology exam

video excerpt: What the Bleep

27 Sept

New groups

Review Exam

Intro to Personality
Id, Ego, super ego
Understanding Psychology handout [pg. 270-272]
video excerpt: What the Bleep

29 Sept

Defense Mechanism

Intro to Collage project

30 Sept



3 Oct.

Read nd review portions of Myer's handout

Complete Freudian Review Sheet of both structural components of the mind and of defense mechanisms

Introduce the directions and schedule for the Freudian Collage Activity

Begin collecting images

Freudian Collage and written component due Friday, 7 Oct.

5 Oct

Return News Notebooks

Freud note

Review Freudian Collage

Freudian Collage and written component due Friday, 7 Oct.

7 Oct

Finishing touches on Freudian Collage

Collage Project critique

New Freud notes
Repressed memories
Freudian slips vs. cognitive psychology

Video excerpt: repressed memories

News Report #3 due next Thursday

11 Oct

Review for Unit Exam

Collage presentations

News Report #3 due next Thursday
Personality exam on Thursday

13 Oct

Personality Unit Exam

News Report #3 due

Finish "What the Bleep"

18 Oct

New table groups

Return and review Exams

Return and review Collage Images and writing

Introduce new unit on 'Consciousness, Sleep and Dreams'

Complete Vocabulary sheet

20 Oct

Review Vocabulary

Stages of Sleep

Dream FAQ jigsaw and poster presentation
Table 1: General
Table 2: Dream interpretation [first 3]
Table 3: Dream interpretation [second 3]
Table 4: Sleep paralysis and nightmares
Table 5: Out of Body experiences
Table 6: Paranormal Issues
Table 7: Lucid Draming [first 4]
Table 8: Lucid Draming [second 4]

Poster Presetation and paper

  1. As a table team, you will summarize and explain the key points of your links
  2. As a table team, you will create a poster that helps the class understand your links
  3. As a table team, you will explain your poster and key points to the class
  4. As an individual, you take the key points summary and anlayze it for content and ideas and turn this into a one-page paper
Due Monday, 24 October
'Even' Crossward puzzle
'Odd" Crossword puzzle

24 Oct

Collect vocabualry and crossword puzzles

Defining Consciosness chart

Dream presentation prep time

Readout Myer's handout: Dreams: pages 227 - 231

Friday, 28 October: Team Dream Presentations
Friday, 28 October:
4th period only: News Reports
Tuesday, 1 November: Individual Dream papers due
Thursday, 3 November: 6th period only:
News Reports

26 Oct

Dream links prepsentation preparation
NOTE: see 20 October for specific components of assignment
Discuss Dreams Notes
Lucid dreaming
Freud's dream interpretations
Friday, 28 October: Team Dream Presentations
Friday, 28 October:
4th period only: News Reports
Tuesday, 1 November: Individual Dream papers due

28 Oct

Team Dream Presentations

1 Nov.

Collect Dream Link papers

Sleep Review
Morning or p.m.
Sleep IQ
Sleep Deficit
Intro to Hypnosis
Sanford Creative Imagination Scale
Grade period ends 22 Novemeber
The last day that late or make up work will be accepted is 16 November

3 Nov

Collect News Reports

Drugs and consciousness
Review reading topics
  • Sovel [p.294] psychoactive/tolerance
  • Table 7 [p.294] withdrawal/addiction
  • Table 6 [p. 294] question 1
  • Table 5 [p. 294] question 2
  • Table 4 [p. 295] question 3
  • Table 3 [p. 395] depressants/stimulants/hallucinogens
  • Table 2 [p. 297] barbituates
  • Table 1 [p. 297] opiates
  • Table 8 [p. 298] amphetamines
  • Sovel [p. 296] Alcohol

Intro to addiction

7 Nov

Drugs and Consciousness continued
Exam review
Sleeep stages
Sleep Disorders
Freud's interpretation
Are dreams necessary?
Lucid dreaming
Drugs, tolerance, addiction & withdrawal
UNIT Review

9 Nov

Unit Exam

14 Nov

New groups and review exams

Ch. 6: Perception is...

Common communication:
"Master Designer"

16 Nov


Table talks:
Visual Capture

Table 7

Necker Cuber

p. 187, p. 191

Table 6

puzzle 1

p. 189, p. 199

Table 3

puzzle 2

p. 189, p. 200-201

Table 4

puzzle 3

p. 190, p. 195

Table 5

puzzle 4

p. 190, p. 193-197

Table 1

puzzle 5

p. 191, p. 202

Table 2


p. 191

Complete Chapter 6 vocabulary

18 Nov

Shakespeare [4th period only]

ESP: An Introduction
sending and receiving with a deck of cards

22 Nov

Video: The Case of ESP

29 Nov

Perception Table talks

  • Table 1: binocular cues: perceptual disparity, convergence
  • Table 2: monocular cues: relative size, disposition
  • Table 3: monocular cues: clarity, texture, height
  • Table 4: monocular cues: motion, linear, brightness
  • Table 5: motion perception
  • Table 6: perceptual constancy: shape and size
  • Table 7: perceptual constancy: lightness and shade
Monday, 5 Dec

1 Dec

Discuss possible field trip - Jan 13
Job ready presentation

Review for exam

Myers powerpoint presentation
Penn & Teller video

5 Dec


Introduce Learning

7 Dec

What is learning?

Discuss 'Psychology and Life' Learning summary page
connect to vovabualry list

Watch Learning DVD from Zimbardo series

9 Dec

Introduce 'Classical conditioning'

Have students complete Learning Organizer #1

Rozin's 'Secondary Disgust' survey

13 Dec

Introduce 'Operant Conditioning'

Have students complete Learning Organizer #2

Associative Learning Venn Diagram Quiz

News Report

15 Dec

Collect News Reports

Finish Learning Organizer #2
Each table group will complete their individual copies of handout 8 - 5
Classroom Exercise: Consideration of future consequences scale
Discuss and complete handout 8 - 4

Watch video: Amazing Grace and Chuck


3 Jan

Review Associative Learning
Venn diagram answer sheet

Introduce Sniffy and first exercises

5 Jan

Observational Learning

text: p. 281-82
Work preferences
hand-out 8-7
Future consequences
hand-out 8-4
Erickson DVD, if time


Handout field trip permission slips

9 Jan

Collect field trip permission slips - explain current status of field trip - $10 donation

Introduce Development and its connection to learning
Development Tables

Erickson DVD, if time

11 Jan

Prep for exam

Sniffy exercises #2

Prep for field trip

13 Jan

Field Trip: SF Exploratorium
Field Trip Assignment directions

Alternative to Field Trip Assignment instructions for those who did not go on the field trip

17 and 18 Jan

Finals: Learning exam

Finals Schedule

  • Tuesday [6th period/3rd period]
  • Wednesday [5th period/4th period]
  • Thursday [2nd period/1st period]

For next semester

Sensation and Perseption hands-on projects

SF Exploratorium 'snacks':

  1. Afterimage
  2. Opponent color
  3. Blind spot
  4. Light and color
  5. Light and shadow
  6. Far out corners
  7. Light and dark
  8. Seeing the grey
  9. Moire patterns
  10. Seeing and perception
  11. Monocular/binocular seeing
  12. Upside down
  13. Taste and smell
  14. Seeing
  15. Relative clarity

COMPUTER LITERACY:    Fall Semester (return to top of page)


Click here for a reminder of the
proper hand position for keyboarding



24 August

Introduce the Computer Literacy class

Review class procedures and rules

Review course skill content

Complete student profile forms

Practice log-on procedure

26 August

Set up paractice student Log-on to the Casa server
establish personal server directory and password
Practice logging on/off Windows 2000
Handout Keyboard sheets
discuss fingers connection to the keys
arm position
Color the keyboard sheets

Setting UltraKey typing program

begin practice
Handout: HomeRow sentence sheets
Fill out Sonoma County Library card forms
Log on to Ultrakey
do baseline speed test

30 Aug

Keyboard practice
Keyboard Home Row Quiz
Introduce workbook

workbook: pages 10 - 31

focus on pages 10 - 17

Review work book rubrics for pages 10 - 26

1 Sept.

Practice Keyboarding 
color keyboard sheets

Continue with Workbook: Introduction to Word
Make changes to workbook pages

Pages 24-25

page 25, item #12: save as Changes #1

Page 26

page 25, item #6: save as Change #2

6 Sept

Practice Keyboarding 

Changes to workbook pages
Complete the following [be sure to add your name to each page]
pages 31 - 39

pg. 39, item #5, save as Tab Leader and print

page 42

pg. 42, item #5, save as Opening and print

pages 47 - 52

pages 54 - 56

pg. 56, item #13, save as Table and print

Due in your student directory file folder by end of day:
  • Letter
  • Promo
  • Change #1
  • Change #2
Introduce Word Art
Working with a graphic
Adding color and effects
Inserting a graphic or picture

8 Sept

Practice Keyboarding 

Finish Workbook [see 6 Sept]

Begin WORD Quizzes

12 Sept

Finish Workbook activities
Begin Workbook quizzes

Introduce Lower Row

begin Acronym sentence for [ZXCVBNM,.]

14 Sept


Quiz for Home row and lower row

Introduce Picture toolbar
wrapping text

Continue Workbook quizzes

16 Sept





Continue with the

Workbook tests
either finish or correct
Begin crossword puzzle: brown version or yellow version


Workbook tests
either finish or correct
Begin crossword puzzle: brown version or yellow version
Using Email [with Hotmail],
CREATE an email account,
COMPOSE an email and
practice email ETIQUETTE
  1. go to www.hotmail.com
  2. Use your Diego server User name
  3. Make your password = password
  4. Choose fictional character = Wizard of Oz
  5. At the email page, you are going to send a message to Mr. Sovel
  6. Duplicate the message below
  7. Before you send your message, be sure to CHECK MARK the 'copy message to sent folder' box

To: sovelb@hotmail.come

Cc: [your new hotmail address]


Subject: My First Email from [name your class period] Period

Hello Mr. Sovel,

This is my first email for your class.

Your favorite student,

[type your full name here]

22 Sept

Today is catch up day: On next Monday, I am sending home progress reports

  1. Finish or correct Workbook Tests
  2. Finish crossword puzzle
  3. make-up any missing work
  4. work on Paper Points
  5. Check your email

26 Sept.

Practice Keyboarding


  1. Finish or correct Workbook Tests
  2. Finish crossword puzzle [brown version or yellow version]
  3. make-up any missing work
  4. work on Paper Points
  5. Check your email
Begin Exam Practice sheet

Using Email [with Hotmail]

Address book [part 1]
  • to, cc., bcc
  • sending to more than one address
Send an email To: 2 addresses, with a a Cc. to yourself and a Bcc. to Mr. Sovel

remember your etiquette

To: Friend #1, Friend #2

Cc: Your email address here

Bcc: sovelb@hotmail.com

Subject: sending to many people at once

Hello Mr. Sovel,

I just sent emails to 4 people at once.

Your real favorite student,

[type your full name here]

Review grade sheets and progress reports

28 Sept

Practice Keyboarding

Finish all missing assignments; correct all Workbook tests

Finish crossword puzzle [brown version or yellow version]

Finish Exam Practice sheet

BEGIN: Advance Tables Exercise

Complete Email [with Hotmail] from 26 Sept.

Pass out the rst of the Progress Reports
Must be returned, signed by parent, Friday, 30 Sept

30 Sept

 Collect signed progress reports


Last chance for make-up or late work

Introduce EXCEL
Samurai Sword demonstration
Worker offer demonstration
Go to page 120 and walk though intro to EXCEL

4 Oct

Keyboard practice

Word Tips and Hints:
Auto Correct/numbers and bulletts

Finish Exam Practice sheet

Go to page 123 in workbook and continue with teacher

6 Oct

Keybord Practice

Go to read only directory
  • Go to Sovel Classes -> Computer Literacy
  • Open QWERTY file
  • Complete sentences, then open footer and put in your name and period
  • then SAVE AS into your directory
Email [with Hotmail]
What is an email attachment?
  • a quick introduction
  • types of files that can be sent
  • how to give them a title
  • how to save and open

Send Mr. Sovel QWERTY sentences as an attachment

Final Review for Word Processing Exam

Continue Excel in workbook

10 Oct

Word Processing Exam [125 points]

  • in class
  • must do without assistance from classmates
  • may not use workbook
  • you may use any notes or handouts in YOUR OWN binder


12 Oct

Review Word Processing Exam

Make Word Processing Exam corrections

Continue with workbook Excel lessons; complete the following pages:
pages 120 - 131
pages 132 - 140
pages 142 - 146
pages 154 - 162

Contnue with Paper Points

14 Oct

Word Tips and Hints

Tables and borders [including invisible borders]
Excel hints

AutoSum [see page 130]
AutoFill [see page 131]

Continue with workbook Excel lessons; complete the following pages:

pages 120 - 131
pages 132 - 140
pages 142 - 146
pages 154 - 162

Contnue with Paper Points

If everything is in, you may try Funschool

19 Oct

  1. EXCEL to WORD
    TYPE the Pizza letter
    INSERT spreadsheet
    ENTER text and formulas
    ADD pictures and Word Art
  2. Finish workbook pages 120 - 152 and turn in completion sheet
  3. Finish workbook pages 154 - 162 and turn in completion sheet

21 Oct

Introduce and complete 'Create Borders' worksheet


  • Finish measuring objects for the Pi Spreadsheet activity
  • Choose First stock and find their value at http://finance.yahoo.com
  • set-up Millionaire sheet
Workbook: Sales
pages 120 - 131
pages 132 - 140
pages 142 - 146

Workbook: Charts
pages 154 - 162
Paper points

25 Oct


Introduce Create the Pi Spreadsheet Activity
begin initial hard copy measurements
NOTE: you cannot use a hand calculator to the the last column of information; you may only do by hand or with Excel
Workbook: [Sales Rubric]
pages 120 - 131
pages 132 - 140
pages 142 - 146

Workbook: Charts
pages 154 - 162

27 Oct


Finish Create the Pi Spreadsheet Activity
finish initial hard copy measurements
Workbook: [Sales Rubric]
pages 120 - 131
pages 132 - 140
pages 142 - 146

Workbook: Charts
pages 154 - 162

31 Oct



Week 2: update to week two

Introduce Pi Spreadsheet model

Continue Paper Points

2 Nov

Workbook - Sales [pumpkin sheets]
Workbook - Charts [brown sheets]
Word to Excel
Create Borders/ On Task
Begin Excel Workbook tests
Do not print until all tests have been completed

4 Nov

Finish Pi Worksheets and measurements

Complete all catch up assignments

Complete Excel Workbook tests
Do not print until all tests have been completed

8 Nov

Keyboarding practice

Millionaire: setting up your stock portfolio template
Pi Spreadsheet


  • pages 120-146
  • pages 154-162

Continue paper points

10 Nov


Introduce Photo Elements
Tools: Lasso, marquee, zoom, ,magic wand
Windows: hints and history
Menu Bar: Select, Image, lower tool bar
If you have a missing or incomplete assignment [marked in yellow], must work on this
continue exploring Photo Elements
Wednesday, October 16, is the last day for late or make-up work

15 Nov


Review Photo Elements
Tools: Lasso, marquee, zoom, ,magic wand
Windows: hints and history
Menu Bar: Select, Image, lower tool bar
Introduce Photo Elements
Introduce use Photo Elements to IMPORT pictures with the scanner
If you have a missing or incomplete assignment [marked in yellow], must work on this
continue exploring Photo Elements
Wednesday, October 16, is the last day for late or make-up work

21 Nov

Keyboard practice

Millionaire: Week 4

Introduction to scanning and importing images

28 Nov

Keyboarding practice
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs


Begin the INTERNET Unit

What is a URL?
How is a web site like a Portal?

CYBERBEE Scavenger Hunt activity

Download the Cyberbee answer sheet

Go to the Cyberbee Scavenger Hunt page

Complete the answer sheet

30 Nov

Keyboard practice
Sight typing

Continue CYBERBEE Scavenger Hunt activity

Open your Cyberbee answer sheet

Go to the Cyberbee Scavenger Hunt page
Internet Search techniques
What is meant by an 'advanced search'
Exploring advanced search techniques
Using "quotes"
Using AND (+), NOT (-) and *

How search engines search

2 Dec

Keyboarding Practice

Update Millionaire

Webhound Scavenger Hunt activity
Download the Webhound Scavenger Hunt sheet
Use it to explore the different sights for the answers to the questions

Complete the answer sheet

6 Dec

Ms. Thompson, Casa Librarian, introduces

8 Dec

Ultrakey [10 minute warmup]
Aesop's Fables speed practice
Review Ms. Thompson presentation
Casa's online databases

Introduce the "Pi Spreadsheet "

Finish the Scavenger Hunts
Cyberbee Scavenger Hunt page
Webhound Scavenger Hunt sheet

12 Dec

Keyboarding: begin using 'speedskins'
Aesop's Fables speed practice
Ultrakey [10 minute warmup]
Aesop's Fables speed practice
Finish the Stock Market model
Find the stock symbol of your 5 companies
Use http://finance.yahoo.com

Citation practice

Begin Pi Spreadsheet test,
using the data gathered from the Pi Spreadsheet Activity. [45 points]
Finish the Scavenger Hunts

Cyberbee Scavenger Hunt page
Webhound Scavenger Hunt sheet

14 Dec

Finish work from 12 Dec

16 Dec

Holiday Picture Scanning


4 Jan

Introduce online citations

Introduce Controversial Research Topic activity practice

Choose one of the following controversial topics to do your search activity:

  1. Should we keep the death penalty [capital punishment]
  2. Should abortion stay legal?
    [pro life/pro choice]
  3. should same sex marriage be legal? [gay marriage]
  4. should marijuana be legal for medical purposes? [medical marijuana]
  5. should foreign workers be able to become citizens? [guest workers and citizenship]

6 & 10 Jan

Keyboarding practice

Finish Controversial Topics activity

Introduce Research Tool Survey form

Work on any late or make-up work

12 Jan




Practice for keyboarding final

Introduce Research Tool Survey form

Begin this if you have finished your handouts #1, #2, #3
Introduce the Controversial Topic Activity
complete the first controversial topic form

Practice for keyboarding final

Handout and discuss student progress report updates

Introduce the Controversial Topic Research form

Practice for keyboarding final

Continue working on Controversial Topic Research form



(return to top of page)

Reference Links to Support Class and Site Activities
CA Legislative Information
and CA Ed Code
Casa Grande HS Library Database's
available to students and families from home

Electronic Library
from school and home

user name: 43-15008

password: bigchalk

Email [with Hotmail]

Sonoma County Library

[take this path to EBSCO]

Try a Google search

Try a Google Scholar search

Yahoo Newspaper Directory

Translate your text and webpages with
Altavista's Babel Fish

Instructions for use

Britannica Online

user name:

password: Ktwelve


Keyboarding Resources
From JeffCo Schools
Practice: Funschool
Right and Left hand Wordlists
Cyberbee Scavenger Hunt page

Cyberbee answer sheet

Webhound Scavenger Hunt sheet

 Downloadable Support Software:

Acrobat Reader

for Windows and Macintosh

Stuffit Expander

for Macintosh


free evaluation utility for Windows

proper hand position for keyboarding

MS Publisher 2000 Tutorial
CA World History Project

ICONS Research Library: Countries

Issues and Scenario Resources


CWHP Resource Sharing

Position Statements: 2003

Calfac and CWHP

user name: mexico

password: yucatan


 The News from Mexico

Commanding Heights

Country reports provide in-depoth summaries of the listed countries, including economic summaries from 1910 to the present


For the Internet System of the Presidency of Mexico, go to
[be sure to click on the language choice at the left side of screen]

Mexico Current Event Links
For information on
NAFTA and Mexico's Ministry of Economics

The Latin American Information Network: Mexico





(return to top of page)

Tamalpais HS
World History Syllabus

World History [Fall and Spring]

World History [Spring]

World History [Fall to mid-Spring]

Archived Units

Computer Literacy

Spring 2003

Computer Literacy
Spring 2004
Computer Literacy
Spring 2005

return to Home

Math and Numbers units

Socrates Debates

Finkel Fellowship Samples

Western Civilization/Geography Course Archives

If you have a question, or feedback, you may contact me by sending an

to Barry Sovel

For more information about Barry Sovel


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