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Easy Tips to Avoid Electro Stress
Turn Your Bedroom into a Healthy Sleeping Space
Information developed by Baubiologie

Avoid metal spring mattresses:
For the best sleep, avoid mattresses with metal springs.

Use: Well made natural fiber mattresses without metal springs are recommended. . A natural futon mattress can be made in various thicknesses between two and six inches thick, and with a variety of natural fibers. Easily manageable sizes are better for sunning and airing purposes. Wool is most highly recommended because of its ideal characteristics for mildew and providing a healthy electro magnetic field where you sleep.

Avoid synthetic pillows:
Use a natural pillow filled with wool or cotton instead.

Avoid metal bed frames:
Metal frames often carry a damaging magnetic field. Replace with wooden bed frames. Remove all metal boxes, typewriters and wires form under your bed.

Avoid water beds:
These are very dangerous. It's like sleeping under a high tension line. Stagnant water is depleting to the system and holds an electromagnetic charge that derives from the heating element.

Avoid electric blankets:
These are dangerous. A person's normal voltage is less than 1 millivolt. An electric blanket can surround you with up to 76.000 millivolts! Far better to use a natural blanket, comforter or flannel sheets during the winter.

Avoid synthetic carpets:
These can ruin the air you breathe. Use natural rugs or natural floor coverings. Jute backing is preferred.

Remove all electrical devices:
Remove as many electrical devices from the bedroom as possible. These include radios, TV's, answering machines, VCR's, lamps, computers, etc. If you must have some of these things in the bedroom, keep them at least six feet from your body. Unplug all these devices before sleep. The TV is the most dangerous even when unplugged. Removing it completely is best.

Cut electricity to bedroom:
There is a device called a "demand Switch" or "Cut-off-Switch" that automatically cuts the flow of electricity to the bedroom when there is no demand for it. Its purpose is to eliminate electric stress to the body while sleeping. This is highly recommended.

Avoid ionization-type smoke detectors:
These can ruin your sleep, especially if they are in the bedroom. This is one reason it is hard to get a good night's sleep in hotels. Each room usually has a radioactive smoke alarm. The damaging effects can extend up to 50 feet. Dr. John Ott believes ionizing smoke detectors can cause impotence. He says flowers will wilt when put in front of them. Get the non-ionizing kind without the radioactive material.

Avoid plastic materials:
Anything which is made with plastics, remove. As Wolfgang Maes says, "If it begins with the word "poly", leave it out of the bedroom." A lot of lamp and window shades are made with plastics. This also includes children toys.

Avoid synthetic wall paper:
Replace with natural material or no-toxic paint.

Open window at night: Even just a little helps. This is the cheapest way to get fresh air and negative ions. Some homes are almost suffocating, especially during the winter. Heat drives out the healthy oxygen.

TV: Place your bed at least three yards from a TV.

AC magnetic fields:
Do not place your bed near a refrigerator, computer, furnace or TV even if they are on the other side of the wall. Raise your bed at least 16 inches from the floor to avoid magnetic fields from wiring in the floor.

Do not sleep directly above a garage:
Because of the metal in the car there might be distorted geomagnetic fields.

Remove "baby phones" from a crib:
There might be very strong EMF's.

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