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Mildew Detection

A mildew or mold problem in the home needs to be followed to its source in order to effectively erradicate it.

Common Sources would be:

  1. existing water damage such as in your shower walls.
  2. drainage problems – around the exterior foundation walls of the home
  3. leaky roof
  4. leaky pipes
  5. wall to wall carpet – holds moisture from accidental spills, or flooding long enough to develop a mold
  6. your bed mattress – absorbing more body moisture than it can effectively deal with.

To check for a mildew problem, the room in question should be completely sealed for a day (close all doors and windows and in the case of a mildew problem, the musty odor will collect ). If you suspect a mold problem, its probably true. Obvious signs of water retention in your walls will yield a mold problem. The key is creating a home environment which can fully release moisture on a continual basis, maintaining a generally dry environment.

Sometimes the solution can be quite involved, as in correcting a home drainage problem. Naturally when beginning a new home project, these issues should be addressed from the outset, to avoid future problems.

The best way to handle toxic conditions, such as mold, is to dilute the levels of toxicity by allowing as much outside air to circulate inside as possible. A fan will help move the inside air out and draw the outside air in. There are also some very good air filters on the market which will help keep the air quality in your home optimal. Mattresses with mold should be either thrown out or exposed to enough sunlight to kill the mold. Direct sun is one of the most effective ways to kill mold – but give it enough time. (several days of hot sun).

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