This is a poem I wrote as an asignment to come up with our own version of the famous I Am Waiting poem. I Also made an audio recording of it for english class.

Wake up and Smell the Ashes

I am waiting for people to wake up and smell the ashes
that are slowly being unburned and reassembled.
I am waiting for people to stand up and work towards whatever cause they believe in
instead of sitting down and demanding someone else to fix it.
You say our government is “broken” and that we should tear it down and start over.
I challenge you, what do you propose?
If you have the answer, that is suitable to everyone and works perfectly
then I will bow to you.
But until you create that, then we’re stuck with what we got.
But more over, I am waiting for people to realize the cake is a lie.
There is no perfect society.
There will always be people with power over others.
What we have now is better than what we had 200 years ago.
And what will have in 50 years will be better than what we have today
unless people tear down this “broken” system.
I am waiting for people to stop complaining to me and to the world
about how we have a “broken” system of government.
If you want a system of every man for himself,
go to Africa and see that we have is as close to perfect as we can be right now.

I am waiting for people to wake up and realize peace is and can be only temporary.
That war is inevitable, and that is just human nature.
Violence it a necessary part of life and nature.
For those people who complain about police brutality
I urge you, go visit another country with lesser laws.
Our police will look like angels.
And those people who protest wars and get into riots.
Think about it, you are protesting the necessity of violence with more violence?
To protect my country, I would give my life in a heartbeat.
For those people who would rather sit at home protesting
then fighting and dying for your country, who has people fighting and dying to protect you;
are you saying that your life is more important than theirs?
That it is not ok to defend other people’s freedoms and liberties and protect them from tyranny?
And that were somehow better than them?
I am waiting till one day when it’s your turn to be saved
and somebody just like you is on the other side, doing just what you are doing.
I am waiting for you to realize our country, any country, will fall with a divided population.

I am waiting for people to set aside labels
liberals, democrats, Christian, Jewish, they are naïve.
We should judge people for who they are, not some label.
Should you not vote on someone just because he or she is a republican?
Or because he or she is Muslim?
Or because he or she is gay?
No, we should vote on the person based on what their policies are,
not some stupid label put on by society.

I am waiting for people to realize that it is not the government that is broken
it is society that is irreparably broken and should be burnt down.
But how should it arise from the ashes?
I say it should not be burned down in the first place.
To say that is perpetuating the problem.
We cannot just reorganize society or rebuild government
to your perfect standards
As Sisyphus will never reach the top of the hill,
he can get close, but never all the way

So all those that still believe in a perfect society,
I am waiting for you to realize that it is simply impossible.
There will always be greedy men taking advantage of others,
and violent men trying to seize power,
and people who just sit there and expect for everyone to serve them
You need to wake up

I am waiting for people to realize that the promises of cake are a sham
and that the cake is a lie.