Wallace Welcome Page / Announcements / EA105 Summer 2013



❖ Testable topics and materials
◊ Other topics and materials
✓ To be completed by class time


Premodern texts & concepts: Korea

*This Web page is related to multiple class sessions.


*No class period covers all of these topics. Some versions of this course will skip some of the below topics.


Texts & films
Nine Cloud Dream (구운몽•九雲夢, Kuunmong, Kim Man-jung, late 17th c.)
❖ "The Song of the Faithful Wife, Ch'un-hyang" multiple Korean authors writing in Chinese and Korean, 17th-18th century, set in the 1600s)
Chunhyang (Korea, 2000)

About "Topics" Summer 2013: We are reading "The Song of the Faithful Wife, Ch'un-hyang" in this class, and screening in class the film Chunhyang (Korea, 2000). I might refer to Nine Cloud Dream and a quick read of it might help give you a solid perspective on this section of the course.

Some comments on these premodern Korean texts, and the film

On Nine Cloud Dream:

We consider the cultural context in terms of Buddhism, Confucianism (the official state religion) and the specifics of the author's life. When we consider romantic narratives and what cultural ideas inform them, we nearly always are encountering a negotiated and uneven distribution of widespread and local ways of thinking, the writer's understanding, the readers' expectations and the pressures brought to bear by literary traditions and possible genre constraints, not to mention the linguistic environment. (Note: some of the content of Nine Clouds preexists Nine Clouds as independent oral and written stories that have been pulled into the Nine Cloud narrative.)

We look at the Confucianism in this story, the status of Buddhism, and the tension between the iconic male figure (Confucian virtuous gentleman) junzi (君子) and the pre-figured male of the caizi jiaren (才子佳人 talented scholar-beautiful woman) romantic genre of Qing China. We also talk briefly about the role of dreams and deception in this work, time permitting.

On transitioning to the discussion of films:

Our work with Chunhyang represents a turning point in the class, as we leave the direct study of premodern concepts and begin to take up questions of how they are and are not represented in modern films. Chunhyang is unique among the films screened in this class in that it is a relatively "straight" interpretation of a specific premodern text. This simplifies things for us some, and gives us a chance to transition into the analysis of modern films.

On Chunhyang (Korea, 2000):

"Dual track" in films:

  • It seems to me that this movie is designed to appeal to an older crowd (shown as the appreciative audience), who love the story of Chunhyang, but also to a younger crowd (with Chunhyang, the heroine, modified in some ways to be more acceptable to young people).
  • What does this "dual audience" mean for core values in the film? It seems to create a blend of embracing traditional views while embedding some more modern values. It tries to, and probably succeeds in, having it both ways. This, I think, is pretty typical of the world of film.

Screening details for Chunhyang (Korea, 2000)

*If I screen this film in class, I might screen it in segments, so below I've presented the details in those segments.

*DVD menus scene numbers do not correspond to chapter marker numbers on control panel info windows. They correspond to "Scenes" as given by the DVD selection screen.

  • Segment 1: DVD menu scenes 1-6 (0:00:00-0:39:00, elapsed time 0:39)
  • Segment 2: DVD menu scenes 7-12 (0:39:11-1:14:36, elapsed time 0:36)
  • Segment 3: DVD menu scenes 13-20 (1:14:36-1:54:22, elapsed time 0:40, then end credits)

Screening details are provided to help me in running the class and to help you cover material in case you miss a class.

See film modules for film availability.

Readings related to Korean culture in general, "The Song of the Faithful Wife, Ch'un-hyang", Chunhyang (Korea, 2000), and Nine Cloud Dream (Kuunmong)

Summer 2013 assignments:

  • Tu, June 11:
    • REQUIRED: Skim through Chunhyang-A Introduction
    • REQUIRED: Read appropriately from the jeong-han readings to get a good sense of these cultural concepts ... these reading are also relevant to the Korean film, you might consider reading some now and reading, reviewing or rereading some at the time of the film, but please do not put off the basic reading until that time. It is necessary for our discussion now.
    • CONSIDER READING (or look briefly at) selection(s) from "other cultural readings". ... This and the jeong-han readings will improve your grade in terms of participation and your later individual report.
  • Wed, June 12:
    • REQUIRED: Read with care & thought Chunhyang-B Part01 Scenes 1-6
    • REQUIRED: Read with care & thought Chunhyang-C Parts02&03 Scenes 7-12
    • REQUIRED: Read all background material, look over the questions in the Segment 1 & 2 film modules (access via the sidebar). *About film modules: Most of the modules have a long list of questions attached to them. Unless I specificially say so, these are not assigned. I have left the questions there, though, because they are good issues, and do give some sense of the types of things that can be thought about (and so, also, topics for student essay/report work). Still, the class evolves and some of those questions seem now a bit too far away from the course theme and goals. Or, rather, focus on level one (understanding the story) issues rather than meta-issues.
    • REQUIRED: Read Pansori Prologue lyrics
  • Thurs, June 13:
    • REQUIRED: Read with thought and care Chunhyang-D Part04 Scenes 13-20
    • REQUIRED: Segment 3 film modules (access via the sidebar)

*You are to have completed a careful reading (see Key Concepts & Terms) of Nine Cloud Dream OR "The Song of the Faithful Wife, Ch'un-hyang" in full by the FIRST session that we discuss it. You are encouraged to read or skim whichever of these two texts is not the required text (so, read one carefully in full and read look over the other one). It is important to read the entire assigned work since we look at narrative development (outcomes of choices, etc.) and expressive styles that only can be captured by seeing the work as a whole, or at least large segments of it. Reading summaries of the work does not provide the necessary perspective.


Nine Cloud Dream

  • Nine Cloud Dream (bSpace, PDF; see syllabus for other options)

"Ch'unhyang" (premodern text, bSpace, PDF; see syllabus for other options)

*The below titles match the premodern text to the DVD film scenes.

  • "The Song of the Faithful Wife" Introduction. On bSpace as Chunhyang-A Introduction.
  • "The Song of the Faithful Wife" Part One. On bSpace as Chunhyang-B Part01 Scenes 1-6.
  • "The Song of the Faithful Wife" Parts Two and Three. On bSpace as Chunhyang-C Parts02&03 Scenes 7-12.
  • "The Song of the Faithful Wife" Part Four. On bSpace as Chunhyang-D Part04 Scenes 13-20.

Chunhyang (Korea, 2000) film modules (onsite Web pages):

  • General Comments, Director, Characters
  • Modules 01-03


  • Chunhyang (Korea, 2000)—Pansori Prologue lyrics (bSpace, PDF)
  • Chunhyang (Korea, 2000)—Pansori Prologue (bSpace, m4v)

Jeong-Han readings

Other cultural readings

Links for Chunhyang (Korea, 2000)

Other, related to the premodern text and film version of Chunhyang

"Master Lee" in the film is the premodern reading's "Young Master Yi Mong-nyong"

Other, related to Nine Cloud Dream

If interested here's a 7:35 YouTube video "Nine Cloud Dream" described as:

AsianArtMuseum: "Uploaded on May 28, 2009 Digitized from VHS, this video re-tells a popular Korean folktale using a beautiful Korean screen from the collection of the Asian Art Museum."

*UNDER CONSTRUCTION: If this red font phrase underneath the session title has not been erased it means something on this page is incomplete. Perhaps I want to recheck information or perhaps I haven't converted the page from the version of the previous class. It is available but should be taken dubiously.

*ABOUT THIS SESSION: My hope is that you look at this portion BEFORE a session. If there is content here it might help you focus on the main points of the day. However, I add various things here at various times. When I feel I haven't succeeded in class stating something clearly, I might restate it here. Of if it is a difficult concept in might be given in written form here. I will assume that you have read and rechecked for changes this session in preparation for any midterm or test.


M, June 17
Tu, June 18
W, June 19
Th, June 20

M, June 24
Tu, June 25
W, June 26
Th, June 27

M, July 1
Tu, July 2
W, July 3
Th, no class

Course theme: The interpretation of East Asian narrated romance (premodern and modern) through awareness of worldviews and select core values as context.

Course goals:

1) Deeper and more accurate interpretations of East Asian romantic narratives premodern and modern.

2) Vertical analysis (contemporary narratives compared to historical traditions) — As a necessary activity in working towards Goal #1, we try to take a measure of the place of premodern values (relevant to romance) in instances of modern East Asian cinema (with speculation of what this might suggest of society).

3) Horizontal analysis (comparison to one another of values in film and beyond of China, Korea and Japan) — As a derivative of #2, a comparison of China, Korea and Japan, finding differences and similarities worth noting.

Primary means to the goal: Disciplined interpretation & analysis constrained to specific method and rules that consider narratives within cultural context. Analysis is carried out through individual, team, and classwide exercises, reports, presentations & discussions. The class, therefore, is part lecture, part discussion and part workshop.

Course rules:

"all about love" "equal interest in the three countries" "beat average Joe" "subtle differences" "contribution to the class" "tolerance of others" "team cooperation" "narratives are not reality" "subtitles are the official language"