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Happy Thanksgiving

Selecting the wines for the feast can be challenging but don't let it scare you. The pairing of wine and food isn't as difficult as you think all one needs is some common sense. Remember balance is the key, try not to pair a powerful wine with a delicate fish or poultry and avoid selecting light wines with heavy meats.
If you still need some help here are winemaker Matt Cline and assistant winemaker Jose Fernadez Thanksgiving Day Selections.

Apertif -
Jacuzzi Family Reserve 1999 Pinot Gris $28 or Cotes d'Oakley Vin Blanc $8.50

The Main Course: With the turkey and all the fixings they both suggest Cline Cellars 1998
California Syrah either of 1998 California Zinfandel. Both these wines are lighter in style than our vineyard designated wines and won't over power the turkey.

Dessert - Assuming apple pumpkin pie are on the menu try Cline Cellars 1997
Muscat Canelli $25

Final Harvest Report

Harvest Comes to A Close!

November 3, 2000
On one of Mother Nature's most spectacular autumn days harvest comes to a close at Cline Cellars. The final day included small lots of Sangiovese, Merlot, Nebbioli and Cabernet Sauvignon, not the typical varietals one would relate to when referring to Cline Cellars wines. Each varietal was crushed separately and then placed in small 1/2 ton bins for fermentation and will be "punched-down"-the manual winemaking operation of breaking up and submerging the cap of skins during red wine fermentation.

Harvest 2000 ended up being longer than expected. After experiencing record high temperatures in June, followed by below normal temperatures in late August back up to high temperatures in September and finally to cool and unexpected storms in October, the weather kept growers and wineries on their toes. "You just can never predict the weather, you just have to take each day one at a time," said Jean-Marie Martin, Vineyard Manager for Cline Cellars.

The feeling around the winery is unanimous, everyone is happy harvest is over. Enologist Dawn Sacchetti said, she is extremely thrilled harvest is over. Who could blame her, harvest began for Cline Cellars on August 23, 2000. When asked what are you going to do with you free time, "I'm going to Disneyland…or maybe the Raiders game on Sunday."

The celebration began late Friday at Cline Cellars with the traditional carnitas. With so many joyful faces it was hard to tell that these hard-working men and women just endured over two months and endless hours of some of the hardest but rewarding work one could do. Without them we would have nothing to raise our glass on that note let's raise our glass to them. CHEERS!

Zinfandel grapes
(Background) Los Carneros Syrah vineyard. Zinfandel grapes in 1/2 ton picking bins.
Harvest 2000 Articles

Zap logo

Zinfandel Festival 2001

Let's celebrate! ZAP 10TH Anniversary of the Zinfandel Festival
January 25, 2001 Good Eats & Zinfandel Pairing at Rosenblum Cellars
January 26, 2001 Blue Jeans to Black Tie "An Evening with the Winemakers" at Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason, San Francisco
January 27, 2001 Zinfandel Tasting - ZAP 10TH Anniversary at Herbst and Festival Pavilions, Fort Mason, San Francisco

Begin the
Festival at Rosenblum Cellars where an infusion of flavors awaits you! Experience the diversity of Zinfandel with the Bay Area's best restaurants. On Friday night, mingle with the world's best Zinfandel producers, bid on fabulous winemaker dinners and on rare and special Zinfandel bottlings. And for the grand finale the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Zinfandel Tasting on Saturday. Over 250 wineries participating, pouring barrel samples of 1999 vintage.
Public Ticket sales begin October 1, 2000 through the Fort Mason Box Office in San Francisco.

To Join Zap or for more information visit ZAP's new website!

ZAP, P.O. Box 1487, Rough & Ready, CA 95975

Wine Events

Holiday in Carneros

(Go Bears!)

November 18th & 19th

Hospitality de los Carneros is hosting it's annual Holiday Open-house in Carneros. For just $10 you get a logo glass to use for special wine & food tastings at 16 wineries all with their own brand of fun planned for the weekend. Proceeds from the glass sales will go to The La Luz Community Resource Center in Sonoma.

For more information call 800/654-WINE (9463)

Hot Wine News

The 1998 California Syrah and 1998 California Zinfandel picked again as the Top 150 Wine Values by WINE ENTHUSIAST.

Cline 1998, California Syrah; $10

A middle-of-the-road style that should have broad appeal, this wine features a fair-sized dose of oak that comes across as menthol, toast and vanilla, along with some smoky notes and blackberry and black-cherry fruit. It's juicy enough to enjoy with picnics and the like, maybe even with a slight chill. Drink now. Rating:86

Cline 1998, California Zinfandel; $10

The classic Cline power shows up in the intensely jammy, raspberry nose, which is followed by flavors of plum preserves and plenty of thick, toasty chocolate. A blend of Contra Costa, Lodi and Paso Robles fruit, from vines averaging more than 50 years old. Ripe, fat, seductive flavors, with a rich, fleshy, lip-smacking finish. Rating: 88

Check-out The Wine Skinny and ijamming websites for their reviews on Cline Cellar wines.

Visit Cline Cellars
Current Accolades page to read the latest reviews.

Question of the Month?

What is Pierce's Disease?

Pierce's Disease is a bacterial infection that is spread by the glassy-winged sharpshooter. An adult is about half an inch long, with a dark-brown body and yellow spots speckling the head.
The sharpshooter a "voracious feeder" called one scientist feeds on the grapevine affecting the vascular system that transports water and nutrients in the plants. Some symptoms include shriveled leaves, discoloration in leaves, burnt looking grapes and stunted growth.
Governor Gray Davis of California and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have declared an agricultural emergency in California. $22.3 million in federal assistance has been given to California to help the agricultural industry fight the pest. The sharpshooter not only attacks grapes but other fruit bearing vines and trees. Currently there is no cure for Pierce's disease.

Wine Question? E-mail

Men holding bins of zinfandel grapes

Come visit CLINE CELLARS' beautiful winery, located in the Carneros District in Sonoma Valley.Tours everyday at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m..Call our Tasting Room for a reservation 800/546-2070 or 707/935-4310.Cline Cellars 24737 Hwy. 121, Sonoma, CA

Wine bottles

While visiting the winery enjoy sampling our award-winning wines.


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Comments to Cline Cellars and Winemaker
Comments to Fred Cline, President
Comments to Tina Hoogs, Sales & Marketing Manager

Comments to Pepe Burns, Special Events Director

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Comments to Cline Cellars and Matt Cline, Winemaker
Comments to Fred Cline, President
Comments to Tina Hoogs, Sales & Marketing Manager

Comments to Pepe Burns, Special Events Director

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