Welcome Member!
On August 19,
2004, the Division of Measurement Standards (part of the California
Department of Food and Agriculture) prohibited companies from selling
Biodiesel blends greater than B20 (20% Biodiesel), as well as B100
(100% Biodiesel), to the public without first obtaining a variance
(waiver). Envira Fuels, LLC received a variance in May 2005. As
a requirement for obtaining a variance, we must collect data and
report it to the state on a quarterly basis. The only data that
will be reported is the quantitative data. No personal information
will be reported. Upon signing the membership agreement, in which
an acknowledgment of the variance issue is disclosed, customers
will receive a "user" card. To purchase fuel, all members must show
this card. At Card-Loc pumps, simply insert your card before using
your credit/debit card at the pump.
Members Application Form:
All new members
are provided with an information packet on the use of Biodiesel
and must indicate their understanding and acceptance prior to joining
the co-op or receiving any fuel. This "packet" is attached
to the application form
Members Biodiesel Use Reporting Form:
It is the memberís
responsibility to provide the fuel vendors with any requested information
regarding the performance of biodiesel or any issues that the member
observes while using the fuel. This information is critical to allow
the fuel vendor to complete the required quarterly reports to the
CA Department of Measurement Standards. To help our members achieve
this week have developed a Quarterly Reporting Form that
can be filled out on-line or printed and mailed to Envira Fuels,