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River Guide Q & A's with Frenchy

Slipping Beneath the Jungle Floor

The Shoulders of Giants-Pt. I

The Shoulders of Giants-Part I (cont)

The Shoulders of Giants-Part II

Why Is It called CHOKE?

Sports Injury Solutions

Breakdown to Breakthrough-injury free sports

"On Being 100"

Health in the Warm Summer Months

Super Second Life

Awareness Through Movement-Feldenkrais

Intro to Pilates-Dr. Susan

Pilates & Sports Injuries-Dr. Susan

Dream Home Tip-Space,Form and the 3rd Dimension

Dream Home Story-Windintide-Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright

"House for Life"

"Dream Home Tip-Materials"

Cashing in on Boomer Gray

What is the World Spying About?

Sonny, Do you remember your Grandma?

Momma's Not Jewish But She's Got Chutzpah

Fathers & Sons: Olden Polynice & Son

Fathers & Sons: Congressman Matsui & Son

Middle Aged

How to Be Happy in Old Age

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Slipping Beneath the Jungle Floor
"The stalactites were like huge upper teeth, in a prehistoric sort of way, and the stalagmites often reached up to join them, sometimes leaving only a couple feet between to slip through, only these were feet underwater!"

Space, Form and the Third Dimension
"Wright pioneered the use these new materials and structural methods. As he did away with the box, in both plan and elevation, a new sense of space emerged, walls became screens and a sense of freedom entered architecture. Space no longer needed to be static and contained, but could flow freely. This idea of plasticity was new to architecture, though not to nature."

Another barrel sir?

Cashing in on Boomer Gray
"The first tip that Boomer Gray was being targeted came from the selection of jeans."

The Shoulders of Giants
"We explored our own initial preconceptions and assumptions about the photograph; and realized that the artist set out to challenge them, especially once we realized the female subject in the photograph was indeed the artist himself."

Health in the Warm Summer Months
"These warm summer months present a time when we feel a bit more relaxed."

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