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Pilates & Sports Injuries

by Susan Garcia-Swain, M.D.

I frequently prescribe Pilates exercise to patients to help heal sports related injuries and correct postural problems. It's a natural. Joseph Pilates began the discipline of Pilates exercise with convalescing soldiers in WWI. Pilates got them working out while lying in bed by developing straps and springs and pulleys. The equipment used now in Pilates studios everywhere comes from those original designs. Part of the genius in the Pilates technique of exercise comes from the fact that this equipment allows you to perform many exercises in a reclining position-your joints free from the burden of gravity.

Whether you are just beginning exercise activities, or are a hard-core 'jock', or anywhere in between, you will experience benefits from Pilates exercise. No matter how fit you are - or aren't - we all tend to be 'sided', just as most of us are right-handed or left-handed. That 'sidedness' leads to imbalances in the way we use our bodies. If you are an athlete, you are probably made aware of your 'sidedness' by strengths and weaknesses and by injuries. Pilates helps you recover from the injuries. Better yet, it helps even you out to prevent injuries and to improve performance.

Pilates is based on working from your core, your 'powerhouse'. So no matter what sport, no matter what part of your body is being challenged, it all comes from that core. Not only does that keep you centered mentally and physically, also it draws from the biggest and strongest muscles in your body: the gluteals, the quadriceps and the abdominals. Pilates technique is based on lengthening and strengthening. So you get those nice long, lean, supple muscles. Muscles that are more 'user friendly'. Muscles that are less prone to injury. Pilates is coached in one-on-one sessions by an instructor trained to observe subtle details in body position and movement. That fine-tuning can improve your tennis stroke, your golf swing, your stride running, climbing and jumping.

From the physician viewpoint I see patients heal faster, more comprehensively. They are able to return to their sports activities in an improved state. As a Pilates instructor I work with students from the ground up. A Pilates lesson starts from the feet, giving you a grounded, balanced stance; using your whole foot more flexibly and harmoniously. The whole body is aligned from that grounded stance. The centering-physical and mental- required for Pilates exercise, translates to your sports activities enhancing the performance and enjoyment.

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