Top / J130 Fall 2012 / Session details



◀ Cadidates for "closed book" poem discussion

This bold green font identifies testable material

❖ Testable poems (not sure yet whether I will use this symbol)


Session 07—Haru no uta from the Kokinshū and the Shin-Kokinshū

Topics for this session

Sakura poems of the SKKS
Introduction of the important poet: Fujiwara no Shunzei, with a limited discussion of yūgen

Poems for this session

  • 07 風かよふ寝覚の袖の花の香にかをる枕の春の夜の夢。
  • 08 またや見む。交野のみ野の桜狩り、花の雪散る春のあけぼの。
  • 09 花は散りその色となくながむれば、むなしき空に春雨ぞ降る。


07 風かよふ寝覚の袖の花の香にかをる枕の春の夜の夢。

かぜ | かよふ | ねざめ | の | そで | の | はな | の | か | に | かをる | まくら | の | はる | の | よ | の | ゆめ

Collection: SKKS 0112 • 春下 (early in the second book, part of the sakura poem series)

Author: 俊成娘・女 (ふじわらのしゅんぜいのむすめ) Or Toshinari no musume. In this case "musume" means "the adopted daughter of ..." The famous Shunzei is her grandfather. Born ca. 1171, married, then was divorced, became a nun in 1213, died in 1254, was considered one of the best women poets of her day.

08 またや見む。交野のみ野の桜狩り、花の雪散る春のあけぼの。

また | や | み | む | かたの | の | みの | の | さくらがり | はな | の | ゆき | ちる | はる | の | あけぼの

Collection: SKKS 0114 • 春下 (early in the second book, part of the sakura poem series, just one poem after the above)

Author: 藤原俊成 (Fujiwara Shunzei) Required reading: Wiki Fujiwara no Shunzei (all)

An optional aside: The Japanese for the poem in the Wiki is: 夕されば野辺の秋風身にしみて鶉鳴くなり深草の里(千載集). This is presented as an example of 幽玄(ゆうげん). Can you say why? (If interested, from a discussion of this poem at 千載集秀歌選: 単なる秋の夕暮の野の叙景歌ではない。「野とならば鶉となりて鳴きをらん仮にだにやは君は来ざらむ」(伊勢物語)を踏まえ、鶉には「憂」をかけると共に、男を待ち続けて化身してしまった哀れな女の物語が暗示されている。秋風の吹く野という広がりのある空間に、物語と抒情が盛り込まれ、三十一文字という和歌の「詞」の限界を、「心」によって押し拡げているのである。) Additional note on this poem: cry of 鶉(ウズラ)

Special requests for preparing this poem

  • Memorize the first three lines

09 花は散りその色となくながむれば、むなしき空に春雨ぞ降る。

はな | は | ちり | そ | の | いろ | と | なく | ながむれ | ば | むなしき | そら | に | はるさめ | ぞ | ふる

Collection: SKKS 0149 • 春下 (past the mid-point of the second book, part of the sakura poem series)

Author: 式子内親王 (Shikishi/Shokushi Naishinnō) Princess Shikishi. Her information is at Poem 02. Poems by her on these J130 session pages: 02, 09, 15, 18, 21.

Poems are covered in the order presented. We may not be able to discuss all poems listed. It is likely that I will add links and preparation requests as we go along, even in the last hour before class. There is no class participation grade so all of this work is optional, but interesting, and will enhance your ability to share in the session. Poem details are given in class and not repeated. Take excellent notes. They are the basis for the test. Our course goals in order of priority: 1) above all, appreciation of the poem as a poem, 2) understanding the components of the poems (the words in their function as grammar and their history in poems), 3) details of authors and collections. Prepare with these priorities in mind.

Course schedule / outline

F, Aug 24: Sess01
M, Aug 27: Sess02
W, Aug 29: Sess03
F, Aug 31: Sess04
M, Sep 3: no class
W, Sep 5: Sess05
F, Sep 7: Sess06
M, Sep 10: Sess07
W, Sep 12: Sess08
F, Sep 14: Sess09
M, Sep 17: Sess10
W, Sep 19: Sess11
F, Sep 21: Sess12
M, Sep 24: Sess13
W, Sep 26: Sess14
F, Sep 28: Sess15
M, Oct 1: Sess16
W, Oct 3: Sess17
F, Oct 5: Sess18
M, Oct 8: Sess19
W, Oct 10: Sess20
F, Oct 12: Sess21
M, Oct 15: Sess22
W, Oct 17: Sess23
F, Oct 19: Sess24
M, Oct 22: Sess25
W, Oct 24: Sess26
F, Oct 26: Sess27
M, Oct 29: Sess28
W, Oct 31: Sess29
F, Nov 2: Sess30
M, Nov 5: Sess31
W, Nov 7: Sess32
F, Nov 9: Sess33
M, Nov 12: no class
W, Nov 14: Sess34
F, Nov 16: Sess35
M, Nov 19: Sess36
W, Nov 21: Sess37
F, Nov 23: no class
M, Nov 26: Sess38
W, Nov 28: Sess39
F, Nov 30: Sess40
M, Dec 3: RRR
W, Dec 5: RRR
F, Dec 7: RRR
W, Dec 12 7-10PM: Final Exam