Top / J130 Fall 2012 / Session details



◀ Cadidates for "closed book" poem discussion

This bold green font identifies testable material

❖ Testable poems (not sure yet whether I will use this symbol)


Session 23—Haiku of Matsuo Bashō

Topics for this session

Bashō haiku from his last year
Bashō's last haiku

Poems for this session

  • 39 菊の香や奈良には古き仏たち
  • 40 この秋は何で年よる雲に鳥
  • 41 秋深き隣は何をする人ぞ
  • 42 旅に病んで夢は枯野をかけ巡る


Special reading assignment:

  • "Bashō and the Poetics of 'Haiku'" by Makoto Ueda in The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Summer, 1963), pp. 423-431, especially the several pages in the middle on sabi. Stable JSTOR URL:

  • Sabi wabi definitions (bSpace)

39 菊の香や奈良には古き仏たち

きく | の | か | や | なら | に | は | ふるき | ほとけ | たち

Collection: 松尾芭蕉集(新編日本古典文学全集 Vol. 70) • 1694, age 51, on his final trip, when in Nara (#893, page 493, search: 菊の香やなら)

Author: 松尾芭蕉 (まつおばしょう・ばせを)

季語: 菊(秋)




This poem was composed 9月9日, which is 菊の節句、きくのせっく or 重陽の節句、ちょうようのせっく.

Special requests in preparation for poem:





40 この秋は何で年よる雲に鳥

こ | の | あき | は | なん | で | とし | よる | くも | に | とり

Collection: 松尾芭蕉集(新編日本古典文学全集 Vol. 70) • 1694, age 51, during his final trip, about one month before dying (#904, page 500, search: 雲に鳥)

Author: 松尾芭蕉 (まつおばしょう・ばせを)

季語: 秋(秋)

切字: よる(連体止め)

Special requests in preparation for poem:

  • Read Interpreters (bSpace, Basho haiku - kono aki ha)

41 秋深き隣は何をする人ぞ

あき | ふかき | となり | は | なに | を | する | ひと | ぞ

Collection: 松尾芭蕉集(新編日本古典文学全集 Vol. 70) • 1694, age 51, on his final trip but now sick in bed, about three weeks before dying (#907, page 501, search: 隣は)

Author: 松尾芭蕉 (まつおばしょう・ばせを)

季語:  秋(秋)


Special requests in preparation for poem:

  • Read Interpreters (bSpace, Basho haiku - aki fukaki)

42 旅に病んで夢は枯野をかけ巡る

たび | に | やんで | ゆめ | は | かれの | を | かけめぐる

Collection: 松尾芭蕉集(新編日本古典文学全集 Vol. 70) • 1694, age 51, on his final trip but now sick in bed, about four days before dying, this is his last poem (#908, page 502, search: 旅に病んで)

Author: 松尾芭蕉 (まつおばしょう・ばせを)

季語: 枯野(冬)

切字: None? かけめぐる is in its 終止形 but ...

Special requests in preparation for poem:

  • Read Interpreters (bSpace, Basho haiku - tabi ni yande)

Poems are covered in the order presented. We may not be able to discuss all poems listed. It is likely that I will add links and preparating requests as we go along, even in the last hour before class. There is no class participation grade so all of this work is optional, but interesting, and will enhance your ability to share in the session. Poem details are given in class and not repeated. Take excellent notes. They are the basis for the test. Our course goals in order of priority: 1) above all, appreciation of the poem as a poem, 2) understanding the components of the poems (the words in their function as grammar and their history in poems), 3) details of authors and collections. Prepare with these priorities in mind.

Course schedule / outline

F, Aug 24: Sess01
M, Aug 27: Sess02
W, Aug 29: Sess03
F, Aug 31: Sess04
M, Sep 3: no class
W, Sep 5: Sess05
F, Sep 7: Sess06
M, Sep 10: Sess07
W, Sep 12: Sess08
F, Sep 14: Sess09
M, Sep 17: Sess10
W, Sep 19: Sess11
F, Sep 21: Sess12
M, Sep 24: Sess13
W, Sep 26: Sess14
F, Sep 28: Sess15
M, Oct 1: Sess16
W, Oct 3: Sess17
F, Oct 5: Sess18
M, Oct 8: Sess19
W, Oct 10: Sess20
F, Oct 12: Sess21
M, Oct 15: Sess22
W, Oct 17: Sess23
F, Oct 19: Sess24
M, Oct 22: Sess25
W, Oct 24: Sess26
F, Oct 26: Sess27
M, Oct 29: Sess28
W, Oct 31: Sess29
F, Nov 2: Sess30
M, Nov 5: Sess31
W, Nov 7: Sess32
F, Nov 9: Sess33
M, Nov 12: no class
W, Nov 14: Sess34
F, Nov 16: Sess35
M, Nov 19: Sess36
W, Nov 21: Sess37
F, Nov 23: no class
M, Nov 26: Sess38
W, Nov 28: Sess39
F, Nov 30: Sess40
M, Dec 3: RRR
W, Dec 5: RRR
F, Dec 7: RRR
W, Dec 12 7-10PM: Final Exam