Top / J130 Fall 2012 / Session details



◀ Cadidates for "closed book" poem discussion

This bold green font identifies testable material

❖ Testable poems (not sure yet whether I will use this symbol)


Session 08—Appreciation

Topics for this session

Reconsideration of recently covered poems

Poems for this session

Sessions 05-07 (for Session 07, read PDF sent out by email Sep 10)


This session meets at the regular time but in the East Asian library. Go down one floor after entering. You can find us.

I'm not entirely sure how we will run these sessions yet. The primary idea is reinforcement of the poems covered by the need to review them to be ready for this day. Then, in the process of doing that, there is a new perspective since all the poems are considered together, and they deal with similar topics. Third, these sessions are visualized as informal and "fun" ways to discuss poems that particularly do and don't work for you. "My favorite poem was X because ..."

However, this type of "talk together" session runs counter to the overall rule of the course that you are not required to participate, you can just listen. If everyone takes that attitude, however, nothing will happen. So, I do very much want you to review, I do very much want you to compare the poems against each other and, if you can possibly do so, I would like you to contribute to the day's discussion.


Course schedule / outline

F, Aug 24: Sess01
M, Aug 27: Sess02
W, Aug 29: Sess03
F, Aug 31: Sess04
M, Sep 3: no class
W, Sep 5: Sess05
F, Sep 7: Sess06
M, Sep 10: Sess07
W, Sep 12: Sess08
F, Sep 14: Sess09
M, Sep 17: Sess10
W, Sep 19: Sess11
F, Sep 21: Sess12
M, Sep 24: Sess13
W, Sep 26: Sess14
F, Sep 28: Sess15
M, Oct 1: Sess16
W, Oct 3: Sess17
F, Oct 5: Sess18
M, Oct 8: Sess19
W, Oct 10: Sess20
F, Oct 12: Sess21
M, Oct 15: Sess22
W, Oct 17: Sess23
F, Oct 19: Sess24
M, Oct 22: Sess25
W, Oct 24: Sess26
F, Oct 26: Sess27
M, Oct 29: Sess28
W, Oct 31: Sess29
F, Nov 2: Sess30
M, Nov 5: Sess31
W, Nov 7: Sess32
F, Nov 9: Sess33
M, Nov 12: no class
W, Nov 14: Sess34
F, Nov 16: Sess35
M, Nov 19: Sess36
W, Nov 21: Sess37
F, Nov 23: no class
M, Nov 26: Sess38
W, Nov 28: Sess39
F, Nov 30: Sess40
M, Dec 3: RRR
W, Dec 5: RRR
F, Dec 7: RRR
W, Dec 12 7-10PM: Final Exam