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by Rambling Billy

Once again, at Zoomersmagazine.com, we are privileged to have the return of Rambling Billy. We welcome back his authentic voice and his urbane wisdom. Enjoy the jazzy beats of his cadence as his piece adds his original take on the Confessional genre. Thank you, Billy for your return gift. We eagerly wait for more!

Horseman: Written 6-27, Dad's birthday, the year I met Marya

Well I'm a horseman
I have the heart of a lover
and a philosopher's mind
I might be a poet
or a madman
with a song to sing

I eat crackers in bed
but I don't like to feel the crumbs
I like carrot juice
but I prefer beer

I'm at my best with dear friends
but I'm usually alone
I don't lie
but maybe I should
I would rather be a bowlegged horseman
than a liar

I'm a cynic
but I'm not without remorse
I've found joy at the end of pain
I've thought with my heart
I've felt with my mind
I've laughed at myself
Hey, I'll laugh at anything

I smoke cigarettes and I like 'em
I've pissed on convention
burned the book of rules
and threw its ashes to the wind
but I'm still just a horseman and I like it

I lost my virtue to a prostitute
but I've always looked for love
I like music
but I don't listen to bullshit
I'm monogamous
but I'm a slut

I'm an immortal and I know it
but it doesn't change a thing
I would still rather be a horseman
than anything I've ever seen

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