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Coping for Caregivers: Self Preservation

by Nurse Jennifer

When you think of self preservation what comes to mind? Wilderness survival, preserving fruits and vegetables, survival of the fittest? When I think of self preservation it is on a daily basis.I know that for optimum wellness, I need to "own" at least an hour a day. It may be used for exercise, creativity, or just unwinding in nature. One way that you can enhance self preservation is to give yourself the gift of at least one hour a day to explore what you need.

Each day we make choices about how to spend our time. We all need "down " time- away from the partner, the children, or work to restore ourselves. Make it a challenge for yourself to take time to nourish yourself.This will create more energy for you so that you may then fulfill your duties. As a nurse I find this practice crucial because it helps me feel whole. This sense of wholeness allows me to listen to others when I am working so that I may really take an interest and help them. If your answer to these thoughts is I don't have time to take time for myself - get up earlier, go to bed later, or find a way. A Bedouin Proverb says "It is a poor man who does not own one hour for himself each day".

Once you have mastered the own one hour a day self preservation challenge ( or a least given it a chance), the next step is to take whole days for yourself. Just imagine a whole day without deadlines to do whatever you want. It's really easy if you let yourself.

Jennifer Warner B.S.Nursing, Gerontologist and Certified Nutritionist Available for Private consultation 916-685-2900

Caregiver Support - Nutritional Counseling - Hospice Nursing
Family Mediation - Respite Care - Grief Counseling

For class reservations and information call Midtown Massage and Wellness Center 916-492-0725

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