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Session 01: Course Orientation
Topics for this session
◊ Orientation
◊ Completion of paperwork
◊ In-class exercise
This session and the following several "frameworks" sessions are the foundation for the course.
This is one of my favorite classes to teach. There is a lot of overhead and it might look intimidating but actually this is a class in which most can do very well in if they apply themselves.
Required—to be completed for today's session
✓ You should read the syllabus and "Assignments & Tests" (sidebar tab), at least. I will not introduce the class in full, just specific portions. You will feel lost if you have not read the syllabus, looked at the class schedule, and given the assignments and tests a once over.
✓ There is paperwork that must be completed in class today. This is not optional.
✓ There is an in-class exercise that will be completed today. It is not graded, but it, too, is not optional.
*UNDER CONSTRUCTION: If this has not been erased it means something on this page is incomplete. Perhaps I want to recheck information or perhaps I haven't converted the page from the version of the previous class. It is available but should be taken dubiously.
*THOUGHTS: My hope is that you look at this portion BEFORE a session. If there is content here it might help you focus on the main points of the day. However, I add various things here at various times. When I feel I haven't succeeded in class stating something clearly, I might restate it here. Of if it is a difficult concept in might be given in written form here. I will assume that you have read and rechecked for changes this session in preparation for any midterm or other quiz or test.