Top / EA105 Spring 2013 / Session details



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✓ To be completed by class time

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Session 07: Premodern prose narratives—Korea: Nine Cloud Dream (Kuunmong)

Topics for this session

❖ Premodern prose narratives—Korea: Nine Cloud Dream (Kim Man-jung, late 17th c.)


Spring 2013

This class will open with 30 minutes of work time for the groups. Then strictly follow a schedule where each group has 5 minutes (4:30 really) presentation time (that includes setup and getting out of the way, a timed PPT will announce group names every 5 minutes without pause). There will be 10 minutes at the end that I might use.

The goal of the presentation is to say something of what you did and what observations or conclusions you made. We present so others can observe, and later use, your approach if they liked it, and to begin a discourse on Korea.

There is a MacBook Pro in the room that you can use to present if you want. Use a flash drive and off load into my folder on the desktop your presentation BEFORE CLASS BEGINS so as not to use your 5 minutes unwisely.

Required—to be completed for today's session

✓ By 30 minutes into this class period, your group must be ready to present on its work regarding Nine Cloud Dream and other Korean narratives (or Chinese / Japanese narratives where necessary).

*UNDER CONSTRUCTION: If this has not been erased it means something on this page is incomplete. Perhaps I want to recheck information or perhaps I haven't converted the page from the version of the previous class. It is available but should be taken dubiously.

*THOUGHTS: My hope is that you look at this portion BEFORE a session. If there is content here it might help you focus on the main points of the day. However, I add various things here at various times. When I feel I haven't succeeded in class stating something clearly, I might restate it here. Of if it is a difficult concept in might be given in written form here. I will assume that you have read and rechecked for changes this session in preparation for any midterm or other quiz or test.

Course outline
Tu, Jan 22: Sess01
Th, Jan 24: Sess02
Tu, Jan 29: Sess03
Th, Jan 31: Sess04
Tu, Feb 5: Sess05
Th, Feb 7: Sess06
Tu, Feb 12: Sess07
Th, Feb 14: Sess08
Tu, Feb 19: Sess09
Th, Feb 21: Sess10
Tu, Feb 26: Sess11
Th, Feb 28: Sess12 is a MIDTERM
Tu, Mar 5: Sess13
Th, Mar 7: Sess14
Tu, Mar 12: Sess15
Th, Mar 14: Sess16
Tu, Mar 19: Sess17
Th, Mar 21: Sess18
Spring Break
Tu, Apr 2: Sess19
Th, Apr 4: Sess20
Tu, Apr 9: Sess21
Th, Apr 11: Sess22
Tu, Apr 16: Sess23
Th, Apr 18: Sess24
Tu, Apr 23: Sess25
Th, Apr 25: Sess26
Tu, Apr 30: Sess27 is a MIDTERM
Th, May 2: Sess28
Tu, May 7: RRR has presentations
Th, May 9: RRR has presentations
No final exam in this class