About timesheets
What they are used for
Timesheets only track your involvement with your group, not everything you do for the class.
Timesheets help me make a judgment for the participation grades.
Secondary uses:
- They also help me monitor for group trouble, should it arise.
- They also help give me a sense of how students want to connect (directly, via the internet) and whether face-to-face meeting are qualitatively better or not.
- I can also monitor a student's understanding of the assignment by how he or she describes his or her contribution to the meeting, and the description of the meeting purpose.
About late time sheets
The initial timesheet was a "practice round", to get everyone used to the process. No late penalties were involved. There will probably be other interim timesheets like this one. If there is a late penalty involved, it will be announced.
However, the timesheets at the end of the premodern segment, the timesheets due at the end of the film segment, and the timesheets due towards the end of the team project are the "real deal". Preparing participation grades is a compicated process at my end. Late timesheets will not be accepted and I will operate under the assumption that your group contribution might have been subpar, so there is a negative grade impact for missing timesheets.
How to submit
The timesheet is "set back to zero" after the prose segment is submitted, so start a fresh sheet. In other words, all your group time during the premodern segment is considered as one unit. After that, all your work time towards the in-class activities centered around contemporary filmes AND all your work times towards the group team project is considered as one unit. The thinking behind this is that engaging the contemporary films at least indirectly helps your team project so there is no use is separating the two.
Timesheet submission uses a keyword in the subject line, that will be given to you at some point. For example, in this submission the keyword is "timefeb14noon":
EA105_LASTNAME_classname timefeb14noon
Notes on timesheet content
Please remember to use the "classname" of team members. You might need to ask them what that is.
A note on academic dishonesty:
You are on an honors system with timesheets. However, if your timesheet doesn't match up with others or if the times listed seem out of sorts for some reason this will be a red flag.
If you alter times previously submitted this will be considered academic dishonesty. I don't want to have to go back to the beginning and re-review all segments of a timesheet, I want to trust you on this. If a change happens, the penalty is that all timesheets in the past are zeroed out and not future timesheets will be considered reliable.