Top / EA105 Spring 2013 / Session details



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✓ To be completed by class time

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Session 10: Premodern prose narratives—China: Story of the Stone, vol 1

Topics for this session

❖ Chinese premodern texts: Story of the Stone • Dream of the Red Chamber (Shitouji 石頭記 • Honglou Meng 紅樓夢) by the once-wealthy scholar Cao Xueqin (曹雪芹, 1715?–63), first of two sessions


Story of the Stone has a large cast of characters. The stories of each of these characters are interspersed (that is, pieces of each of the stories appears in various chapters rather than isolated in specific chapters). Although we are going to read Volume 1 in full (26 chapters), in all cases place the emphasis on the romantic events related to this triad of individuals: Bao-yu, Dai-yu, Bao-chai and romantic events related to Xi-feng. In addition (if this is a regular term course, not summer), for our purposes, the story of Qin Shi / Qin Ke-qing is important.

This focus will help facilitate reading speed and bring your attention on what is relevant to this class. That being said, along the way there are some minor substories that are instructive to the author's view of romance and, if you are a strong reader, please pay attention to these as well (Aroma, Caltrop, Yuan-chun, Adamantina, "the Mattress" and so on).

The characters we track use various names, not just one. Here is a pdf that lists most of those basic names. It will be helpful to most of you for keeping track of who you are reading about. And, if you are reading in Chinese, it will help you convert to some of the unusual English names that we use: Characters to track in Story of the Stone, Volume 1.

The tension between the iconic male figure (Confucian virtuous gentleman) junzi (君子) and the pre-figured male of the caizi jiaren (才子佳人 talented scholar, beautiful woman) romantic genre of Qing China bears keeping in mind when reading this novel. (See bSpace Scholar-beauty stories.)

Required—to be completed for today's session

✓ A careful reading of the assigned portions of Story of the Stone is due by today. Support material and advice on what to focus on while reading the novel can be found on bSpace.


*UNDER CONSTRUCTION: If this has not been erased it means something on this page is incomplete. Perhaps I want to recheck information or perhaps I haven't converted the page from the version of the previous class. It is available but should be taken dubiously.

*THOUGHTS: My hope is that you look at this portion BEFORE a session. If there is content here it might help you focus on the main points of the day. However, I add various things here at various times. When I feel I haven't succeeded in class stating something clearly, I might restate it here. Of if it is a difficult concept in might be given in written form here. I will assume that you have read and rechecked for changes this session in preparation for any midterm or other quiz or test.

Course outline
Tu, Jan 22: Sess01
Th, Jan 24: Sess02
Tu, Jan 29: Sess03
Th, Jan 31: Sess04
Tu, Feb 5: Sess05
Th, Feb 7: Sess06
Tu, Feb 12: Sess07
Th, Feb 14: Sess08
Tu, Feb 19: Sess09
Th, Feb 21: Sess10
Tu, Feb 26: Sess11
Th, Feb 28: Sess12 is a MIDTERM
Tu, Mar 5: Sess13
Th, Mar 7: Sess14
Tu, Mar 12: Sess15
Th, Mar 14: Sess16
Tu, Mar 19: Sess17
Th, Mar 21: Sess18
Spring Break
Tu, Apr 2: Sess19
Th, Apr 4: Sess20
Tu, Apr 9: Sess21
Th, Apr 11: Sess22
Tu, Apr 16: Sess23
Th, Apr 18: Sess24
Tu, Apr 23: Sess25
Th, Apr 25: Sess26
Tu, Apr 30: Sess27 is a MIDTERM
Th, May 2: Sess28
Tu, May 7: RRR has presentations
Th, May 9: RRR has presentations
No final exam in this class