Top / EA105 Spring 2013 / Session details



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Session 15: Recent cinema from China (Hong Kong): 2046 — first of three sessions

Topics for this session

❖ Recent cinema from China (Hong Kong): 2046

Overall, persistent topics for this film:

  • Characteristics, qualities, methods, completedness and reliability of communication between lovers
  • Layering: role of memories in romance
  • Layering: blending of boundaries of individuals (status of individual)
  • Layering: Non-linearity (narrative structure, experience of the presence as tied to the past and future, especially the past—memories).
  • Comparisons: Dreams in 2046 and Genji.
  • Comparisons: Money in 2046 and Story of the Stone.

Possible topics for this session:

  • Sound as context
  • Comparisons: longing in Genji, 2046 and Flying Daggers


This film requires good preparation. Arrive well-informed.

In House of Flying Daggers, it seems the outside forces keep the lovers apart, whether you think that is the political situation, Leo's personal actions or Mei's choice to pull the dagger from her chest (on purpose or in error?). In 2046, it seems that individuals themselves are what is preventing love. Like The Tale of Genji everyone is longing for someone and everyone seems to be adrift on an ocean of fate and in that sense the mood is similar. But in Genji, lovers long for more time together because they are, in fact, sometimes together physically and spiritually. In 2046 lovers seem apart even when together physically. This, to me, seems "modern". 2046 explore the contradiction of longing but not wanting, for whatever reason, to become intimate.

Reminder that our many discussions done in conjunction with the films are meant to be start points not conclusive positions on the topic whatever it is. However, over the course of the term, some of these discussions begin to resonate with one another. I encourage you to take one or two of these topics of particular interest to you farther, when exploring your films or just thinking about the class.

Is love a journey forwards or a journey backwards?

External / internal: House of Flying Daggers has external reference points that situate the story in a specific situation. In contrast, 2046 has internal, subjective reference points that drift about in a real world that seems less important than the emotional state of the characters. (These types of films, it seems to me, often have a sensual and/or transgressive feel to them.) Whether the narrative is grounded in external or internal reference points creates entirely different romantic story lines that could be said simply as: romance with a public goal (marriage/status) and romance with an internal goal (solving emotional issues).

Access details

Although your team has probably already solved access issues, the movie is available as follows:

  • Netflix: DVD
  • Media Resources Center (Moffitt): DVD 4876

Required—to be completed for today's session

Access through sidebar tab FILM MODULES:

2046: General Comments
2046: Director
2046: Main Characters
2046: First session questions and Scene 1 summary (other scene summaries optional)
(✓) 2046: Release data (optional)

*UNDER CONSTRUCTION: If this has not been erased it means something on this page is incomplete. Perhaps I want to recheck information or perhaps I haven't converted the page from the version of the previous class. It is available but should be taken dubiously.

*THOUGHTS: My hope is that you look at this portion BEFORE a session. If there is content here it might help you focus on the main points of the day. However, I add various things here at various times. When I feel I haven't succeeded in class stating something clearly, I might restate it here. Of if it is a difficult concept in might be given in written form here. I will assume that you have read and rechecked for changes this session in preparation for any midterm or other quiz or test.

Course outline
Tu, Jan 22: Sess01
Th, Jan 24: Sess02
Tu, Jan 29: Sess03
Th, Jan 31: Sess04
Tu, Feb 5: Sess05
Th, Feb 7: Sess06
Tu, Feb 12: Sess07
Th, Feb 14: Sess08
Tu, Feb 19: Sess09
Th, Feb 21: Sess10
Tu, Feb 26: Sess11
Th, Feb 28: Sess12 is a MIDTERM
Tu, Mar 5: Sess13
Th, Mar 7: Sess14
Tu, Mar 12: Sess15
Th, Mar 14: Sess16
Tu, Mar 19: Sess17
Th, Mar 21: Sess18
Spring Break
Tu, Apr 2: Sess19
Th, Apr 4: Sess20
Tu, Apr 9: Sess21
Th, Apr 11: Sess22
Tu, Apr 16: Sess23
Th, Apr 18: Sess24
Tu, Apr 23: Sess25
Th, Apr 25: Sess26
Tu, Apr 30: Sess27 is a MIDTERM
Th, May 2: Sess28
Tu, May 7: RRR has presentations
Th, May 9: RRR has presentations
No final exam in this class