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Effortless Effort

by John

As co-editor of zoomersmagazine.com it is my pleasure to welcome you to our inaugural Sept/Oct. issue. Our intention is to go to monthly issues in January, 2001. In the meantime, the bimonthly publications will be refreshed periodically with new content.

This unique, in-depth webzine format is unprecedented on the internet. Each of our contributors express what he/she loves and does best; a form of e-dharma. We offer you a rich potpourri from Frenchy's "tongue in cheek" river rat adventures to Rambling Billy's poignant prose to the saga of Mama-Gon going back to school.

It is our promise that every issue will be richer and more resplendent with useful, fun and inspirational content for zoomers of all ages.

"Dog Daze" will be a collaborative effort with two of my best friends: Budo (a Catahoula hound dog) and the inimitable Princess (a Queensland Heeler). Some of our most provocative thoughts float to the surface when we are on the backyard deck, especially when swaying in the rope hammock. Budo is really into sunbathing and he actively seeks the shifting pools of sweltering summer light beneath the tall, stately Elms. Princess says: "screw that", and prefers the shade. So, we all have our personal preferences.This remains a tranquil scene unless the postman rattles the front porch mail box, then all hell breaks out. Fortunately, once our territory is sufficiently defended, nap time is easily rescheduled.

The quest of our philosophical inquiry might be summed up as : "baoism" or less compactly: "the languid path of effortless effort". The aforementioned sub-title is a bit deceptive since, in fact, even laser like focus is necessary to obtain effortless results.This topic will be elaborated upon in depth in future articles. In the meantime our warm-up contemplation generated the following questions:

  • does it make any difference that god is dog spelled backwards? or more aptly does the human have Buddha nature?

  • if the truth will set you free how come we live behind a 6 foot wooden fence?

  • is there anymore fun than playing keep away with the ball? or more dogmatically is possession really 9/10's of the law?

  • if we got what we say we wanted, i.e that pesky squirrel or even that smirky cat that lives next door would we really be happy?

  • and of course, most monumental of all, the eternal question, isn't it almost time for dinner?

    Well, dear readers, it is almost time for dinner, so, we invite and encourage your feedback and thoughts. Make no bones about it, we are serious about this quixotic quest. Perhaps, together we shall discover the eternal path of baoism through mutual inquiry within respective moments of deep quiet and silence.

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