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The Principles of Effortless Power by Peter Ralston

Book Review by John Swain

One cannot substitute written communication for direct transmission of a sacred legacy from master to student. However, this remarkable text by Peter Ralston comes amazingly close.

Peter Ralston, a genuine master of the internal martial arts openly shares his lifetime experiment with manifesting effortless power in the most challenging of circumstances. His quest to be a truly fearless warrior was put to the ultimate test in 1978 when he became the first non-asian to win a full contact martial arts World Championship in China. This is a man who can anticipate your physical attack before or at the exact moment of initiation. A man who suggests that true power comes not from pushing against the earth but pushing the earth away from yourself.

Fortunately, the principles of effortless power are not just for world champions. They apply to the everyday aspect of your life from walking to any sports endeavor (tennis, golf, basketball, soccer, you name it). These practical principles can be learned and lived in the integrated spirit of your mind-body such that you can remarkably improve the intent and result of your effectiveness with less effort.

I suspect we boomers are not typically going to get any faster, stronger or more athletic as we age. Yet here are viable means to create a transformation which does create an equivalent phenomenon.

Your results are, of course, going to be enhanced if you can obtain some valid instruction in chi cung, ta chi , push hands and related internal arts systems. "The Principles of Effortless Power" is valid for all ages and levels of physical and athletic ability. We welcome feedback from those of you who avail yourself of this amazing articulation of effortless power.

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