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Oprah for President: Dog Daze Polemics

by John

Dimpled chad, half-dimpled chad, pregnant chad. Determination of the 43rd President of the United States hinged on legal convulsions as esoteric as the medieval arguments over "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"

Fortunately, the institutional integrity of this great republic, although tested by hordes of attorneys vying to out brief each other in 40 plus legal suits,was able to peacefully transfer the mantel of power. What deeply disturbs me, is not the difficulty of the process in a dead heat election, but the choice of candidates and political directions from which the voters could select.

What were our choices?

A less than bright, inexperienced, manipulating politician with terrific personal and corporate connections?

Or a boring, experienced, manipulating politician with terrific personal and corporate connections?

Who wins?

The corporate special interests.

Beyond the sheer egotism and greed for power, is it possible for the most influential elective office in the world to be filled by a vision greater than personal and corporate self-interest.

The office of the President of the United States could embody a person of vision who:

1. Actually cares/considers/ understands a "greater good" in the Lockeian sense that encompasses inevitable, competing selfish interests

2. Realizes the interconnectivity of all beings and living species on "spaceship earth"

3. Embodies a high degree of intelligence and flexibility essential for responding to ever changing national and international demands and exigencies

4. Is capable of media skills requisite for lucid communication to all socio-economic levels with a sense of fairness and justice

5. Realizes that we are all here to be and do through surrender to the ultimate, primary cause of all creation without resort to demagoguery or religious proselytization

In so saying, I wholeheartedly suggest that we initiate the grass roots campaign to elect Oprah the 44th President of the United States. I ask you, would we be any worse off? And possibly, might we not be more united and harmonious as a nation?

Of course, in the cynical new millennium, the possibility of having a President who is intelligent, compassionate and has an iota of wisdom is most likely a quixotic notion.

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